Environmentalists, Green Party MLA, and prominent forest ecologist make holiday-themed appeal for provincial old-growth funding

Pressure on the BC provincial government to back their old-growth forest protection commitments with funding is growing with First Nations leaders, scientists, and Green Party representatives joining environmentalists to demand significant funding for old-growth protection in the 2022 provincial budget.

Photos: Spruce Bay Old Growth Trail – Port Alice

Located roughly 23 km from Port Alice along the shores of Victoria Lake and in the territory of the Quatsino First Nation, is Spruce Bay and the little-known Spruce Bay Old Growth Trail and Recreation Site.

Photos: Vernon Bay

This past summer, AFA had the privilege of exploring stunning ancient forests along the shores of Vernon Bay in Barkley Sound. Home to the Uchucklesaht and Tseshaht First Nations, TJ Watt and Ian Illuminato measured monumental redcedar trees up to 12 feet in diameter.

Planning to give AFA gifts this holiday season? Order soon!

Time is running out to place your order for ancient forest gifts and receive them before the 25th!

Thank you to our recent business supporters

We’ve benefitted from exceptionally awesome projects lately. Thank you to the following businesses, groups, and individuals:

West coast old-growth forests recommended for deferral in Vancouver Island’s Barkley Sound at risk of logging.

A total of 33 logging cutblocks in old-growth forests with ancient trees up to 12 feet (3m) in diameter have been approved for logging by the BC government in Vernon Bay, some overlapping with the newly recommended deferrals. Conservation funding is urgently needed for communities to make deferrals possible.