Our Mission

The Ancient Forest Alliance works to protect endangered old-growth forests in British Columbia and to ensure a sustainable, value-added, second-growth forest industry.

Latest news

The Narwhal: What is a ‘private forest’ in BC? And how much logging is allowed there?

BC’s private forests aren’t subject to the same logging regulations as those on public land — putting old growth, wildlife habitat and significant ecosystems at risk.
News Coverage
Premier David Eby stands at a yellow podium that reads, "Taking action for you," with trees in the background.

Thank you Elements Outfitters for being an outstanding business supporter!

We want to thank our friends at Elements Outfitters, who not only contribute to AFA as part of their 1% For The Planet program but also sell our merchandise at their Patagonia Victoria store.
Thank You
Premier David Eby stands at a yellow podium that reads, "Taking action for you," with trees in the background.

The Narwhal: New marching orders are in for BC’s cabinet. They sideline the environment, observers warn

As economically devastating tariffs threatened by U.S. President Donald Trump loom, BC Premier David Eby has directed his cabinet to prioritize economic development and make it easier for corporate interests to feel confident investing in the province.
News Coverage

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Explore Our Photo Galleries

The photos you see on this website were captured by AFA Photographer, Campaigner, and Co-Founder, TJ Watt. TJ has been photographing both the beauty and destruction of BC’s old-growth forests for over a decade now and his images play a vital role in making these remote areas visually accessible for people across the globe.