International Day of Forests: Conservation groups alarmed that BC is backsliding on Old-Growth Forest Policy Progress

AFA and EEA are concerned the BC government is backsliding on its previous policy progress to ensure a paradigm shift in the management of old-growth forests in BC.


Thank you for helping us surpass our 14th birthday goal!

Thank you for celebrating Ancient Forest Alliance's 14th birthday and helping us raise $16,427 for the old-growth campaign!

Flores Island Tyson

Ahousaht and Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Announce Protected Conservancies Proposal in Clayoquot Sound

Major tracts of the finest old-growth forests in BC are included in the Ahousaht and Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations' proposed Provincial Conservancies network.


AFA’s TJ Watt Presents at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC

The presentation on "The Search for the World's Biggest Trees" was part of Kennedy Center's two-week "REACH to FOREST" event.

Thank you to these foundations for their support!

Now that AFA is a charity, we can now accept donations through foundations! Thanks to the following foundations for their generous support in 2023.