New INCREDIBLE High-Definition (HD) Video Shot in the Avatar Grove!
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Professional videographer Darryl Augustine recently spent two days gathering high-definition video clips with AFA photographer TJ Watt in the Avatar Grove and Gordon River Valley near Port Renfrew.
Shooting with the Canon 5D MK II, the Canon 7D, and using a pocket dolly to roll smooth shots, Darryl has captured some of the most stunning, Planet Earth-like video of these incredible yet threatened forests. This clip is a rough edit of some of the footage gathered during the trip. (note – a clip of the San Juan Spruce is spliced in with the Avatar Grove footage)
Thanks to Darryl for volunteering his skills to help forward the campaign to protect BC’s endangered old-growth forests! The video footage will prove very useful in the future for a mini-documentary and TV news media handouts.