**AFA Office closed until August 18th for Summer Holidays**

Please note that our downtown office is now closed until August 18th for Summer Holidays. Thank you for your understanding :) 

Logging by Island Timberlands in Powell River

Saving the Greenheart of Powell River. Alternatives to clear cutting Lot 450

Wednesday, July 22, 7:00 pm. The United Church (MICHIGAN & DUNCAN) Powell River, BC. Get an update from local citizens on what’s happening with Lot 450, Powell River's forest that is at risk of further logging by Island Timberlands. Hear from the Ancient Forest Alliance's Ken Wu about the campaigns targeting Island Timberlands in other communities and some solutions in situations where the timber or land are privately-owned.

A massive old-growth redcedar tree found near the survey tape marked "Falling Boundary" in the unprotected Central Walbran Ancient Forest

Public Information and Community Forum to Save the Walbran Valley

Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 7-9 pm, Fernwood Community Centre, 1240 Gladstone Avenue. The old-growth forests of the Central Walbran Valley are threatened with clearcut logging. This is one of the largest intact old-growth forests left on southern Vancouver Island, but is now at risk of being logged by Teal-Jones. See beautiful images of the valley and hear a variety of speakers at this free event hosted by the Friends of Carmanah-Walbran, Wilderness Committee, and Ancient Forest Alliance.

A Conservation Review of the Elphinstone Provincial Park Expansion Proposal

Wayne McCrory, one of Canada’s leading conservation-biologists, has completed an ecological inventory of the 2,000-hectare Elphinstone forests that is the subject of a park expansion & protection area proposed by the Elphinstone Logging Focus. Learn about the unique features of this lower elevation, emerging old-growth forest at: https://www.loggingfocus.org/2015-research-reports/

AFA Office Hour Update

HOURS: Tuesday & Wednesday, 11am - 5pm until July 21st. Then back to Tues, Wed, Thurs, 11-5   We're located at the Central Building, 620 View St, 3rd floor #306, Victoria, BC (same building and room as Volunteer Victoria)   Stop in for cards, calendars, stickers, t-shirts, certificates, in-person donations, or to ask a question! We'd love to see you. View our online store for full product listing: https://ancientforestalliance.org/store.php


Thank You to the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC)!

The Ancient Forest Alliance is most grateful to the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) for their major support provided through their Community Contributions grant program. This funding support will allow the AFA to fully complete the Avatar Grove Boardwalk as a model for sustainable eco-tourism promoting old-growth forest conservation. See MEC's website at: www.MEC.ca

A hollowed out western redcedar stands amongst a sea of green ferns, salal, and other foliage in Goldstream Provincial Park.

JUNE 24: Old-Growth, Carbon & Climate – Rainforest Walk in Goldstream Park

Date: Wednesday, June 24 Time: 7:00-8:30pm Location: Goldstream Provincial Park - Meet at the first parking lot Difficulty: Easy walk All dogs must be on a leash **By donation** All participants will be required to sign a waiver to join the hike. Join AFA’s co-founder Ken Wu and Sierra Club of BC’s forest and climate campaigner Jens Wieting for a rainforest walk in Victoria's Goldstream Provincial Park. See some of the largest old-growth trees in BC, learn about the plants and ecology there, and about the state of BC’s globally endangered coastal temperate rainforest. Wieting will also explain the progress in protecting the Great Bear Rainforest and Clayoquot Sound, and the lack of forest stewardship in most of the province. Hear about what we must do to ensure that our forests provide long-term benefits instead of short-term profit and what climate change means for the future of our forests. In particular, learn how our forests have shifted from storing carbon to being a net emitter into the atmosphere and what we must do to reverse that trend, making our forests a central mechanism in fighting climate change and building a climate-friendly, low carbon future.

‘Old Growth of BC’ Slideshow by AFA’s Ken Wu at Big Tree Weekend!

Date: Saturday June 20th Time: 6:30-8:00pm Location: Meet at the Stanley Park Ecology office, 610 Pipeline Road Cost: $5 members/$10 non-members Explore the ecology and conservation status of the most spectacular temperate rainforests in Canada with Ken Wu from the Ancient Forest Alliance.  Photographer TJ Watt will share his striking images of old growth forests - and the biggest trees and grandest groves - at this presentation.   Register here

Big Trees Weekend in Stanley Park

Vancouver, BC – Journey to the top of some of the biggest trees in Stanley Park during a weekend-long celebration of trees…really BIG trees! Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES), the BC Big Tree Committee and the Vancouver Aquarium host this June 20-21 event which offers unique insiders’ perspectives on these living giants. Catch a bird’s eye view from an arborist’s head cam as he climbs some of the Park’s biggest trees; hear tall tree tales from renowned ecologist and BC Big Tree Committee Chair, Andy MacKinnon; learn secrets of Stanley Park’s famous Hollow Tree, and witness the resiliency of the forest in a tour of the 2006 windstorm-affected areas. **Details, schedule and registration at: https://stanleyparkecology.ca/education/public-programs/big-trees-weekend/

Giant trees in the Lower Avatar Grove

JUNE 14: Avatar Grove Ancient Forest Walk with Dr. Andy MacKinnon

Date: Sunday, June 14 Time/Location: Meet at 1:00pm at the Coastal Kitchen Café in Port Renfrew, then go in convoy to Avatar Grove. Hike from 2:00-4:00pm Difficulty: Moderate. *All participants will be required to sign a waiver to join the hike All dogs must be on a leash Cost: Sliding scale $20 to $100 Come join Dr. Andy MacKinnon, one of Canada's foremost forest ecologists and co-author of the best-selling 'Plants of Coastal BC,' for an interpretive walk through Avatar Grove. Learn about the plants, fungi, lichens, trees, and ecology of old-growth forests. The AFA's Ken Wu and TJ Watt will also talk about the ecology and status of BC's old-growth forests and the AFA's campaigns to protect these forests. Also see the progress on the Avatar Boardwalk so far and learn about what upgrades and sections need to be finished.  This is a boardwalk fundraiser for the AFA to finish the last sections of boardwalk in the Avatar Grove - thank you for your generosity!