AFA Holiday Sales Booths in Victoria and Vancouver – 2015 Calendars, Cards, Posters & More!
This Holiday Season, VISIT our AFA SALES BOOTHS, open until December 23, to get our new CALENDARS (2015), CARDS, POSTERS, CERTIFICATES (Adopt-an-Ancient Tree or Grove, Avatar Boardwalk), SHIRTS, STICKERS, and other items (or you can order online at www.ancientforestalliance.org/store.php):
- In VICTORIA come to our office space in the Dock (#303-3 Fan Tan Alley, access via elevator in the courtyard), Mon. to Sat., 11am-5pm.
- In VANCOUVER visit our merchandise table at Trees Organic Coffee House (Yaletown location –1391 Richards St.), Tues. 12-6pm and Sat. 3-6pm.
*cash, cheques, & credit cards accepted at both locations**
ONLINE: Purchase Gifts via our Online Order Form here, and pay via PayPal or credit card. You can also DONATE online here.
By PHONE at 250-896-4007 to specify your order or donation amount and to pay with your credit card. We will ship product orders you (with an additional shipping cost added).
By EMAIL (for product orders) at: sales@
Products List (view and order products here):
AFA 2015 CALENDARS: $25.00 each; 3 or more $20.00 each
CARDS (Classic Collection & New Collection available): $5.00 each; 6 for $25.00; 12 for $40.00
POSTERS (Avatar Grove’s Gnarly Tree, San Juan Spruce, and Canada’s Largest Tree the Cheewhat Giant): $12.00 each; all 3 for $30
STICKERS: Bumper Stickers $6.00 each; Logo Stickers & Tree Stickers $4.00 each
SHIRTS (made of hemp & organic cotton by Hemp & Co.): $45.00 each **shirts are in limited supply – please contact to confirm availability
ADOPT-A-TREE CERTIFICATE: Minimum $50 donation
ADOPT-A-GROVE CERTIFICATE: Minimum $100 donation
AVATAR GROVE BOARDWALK CERTIFICATE: Minimum $100 donation for 1 metre of boardwalk
ANCIENT FOREST GIFT PACK (2015 Calendar, 12 pack of cards, all 4 stickers): $70.00 each
Please make the AFA your priority organization to support this Holiday Season! We are BC's lead organization working to ensure comprehensive provincial legislation to end logging of our endangered old-growth forests and to ensure the sustainable, value-added logging of second-growth forests. Due to our low overhead costs combined with our effective campaigns, your contribution truly goes far with us!
Thank you for your dedicated support!