Avatar Grove Boardwalk Update
Hello AFA friends,
As many of you are aware, the AFA has been planning for several months to build a boardwalk in the Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew. Our goal is to ensure the ecological integrity of this recently protected area, and to enhance visitor safety by building boardwalk on the more sensitive parts of the existing trail. So far we have been steadily working to complete the requisite applications and numerous studies, reviews and stakeholder consultations in order to obtain approval from the BC government for the boardwalk’s construction. We have also been working hard to secure the needed supplies, some of the needed funds, expert advisors and partners to make this happen. It has been a lot of work and there have been many hurdles to get through!
Currently we are awaiting our final approvals from several levels of government in order to begin work, which we expect could be within the next several weeks. Our original goal was to begin construction earlier this summer, so we are eager and excited commence as soon as we obtain the final permissions. We thank you for your generous support and patience as we move forward with this. Please watch for future updates regarding possible volunteer opportunities and the project’s status.