Avatar Grove – Making a Stand
The AFA sends a big THANK YOU to the four bright and dedicated students from Pearson College that put together an excellent 7 minute documentary on the Avatar Grove and Vancouver Island’s threatened old-growth forests. Liz Welliver, Amelia Redmond, Luke Hunter, and Danielle de Jonge toured the Grove with AFA’s Ken Wu and TJ Watt in late February and afterwards also interviewed several local business owners and political representatives during their stay. The result is a fun and informative video that does a great job in capturing the campaign detail nuances which shorter news clips typically lack. Pearson College, located in Metchosin on Vancouver Island BC, is an international school for gifted students in grade 10-12.
You can watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXUPoY7rV4M&tracker=False
You may also view the “making of” the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKUP2EzC_8Y&tracker=False