Canada's largest tree (also the largest redcedar in the world), the Cheewhat Giant! Located in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve near Carmanah on Vancouver Island. Height: 182 ft (55.5 m) Diameter: 19 ft (5.7 m) Volume: 450 m3

Canada's largest tree (also the largest redcedar in the world), the Cheewhat Giant! Located in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve near Carmanah on Vancouver Island. Height: 182 ft (55.5 m) Diameter: 19 ft (5.7 m) Volume: 450 m3

The San Juan Spruce, Pacheedaht territory.

The Red Creek Fir is the world's largest Douglas-fir tree! It grows in the San Juan Valley near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory and is estimated to be over a thousand years old. Height: 242 ft (73.8 m) Diameter: 13'9 ft (4.2 m)

The Red Creek Fir, Pacheedaht territory.

The Wall, Flores Island, Clayoquot Sound, BC, Ahousaht territory. Perhaps Canada's most impressive tree!

Backside of The Wall on Flores Island, BC.

Along the path leading to the Red Creek Fir you will find this amazing group of ancient redcedars, aptly nicknamed "The 3 Guardians".

Canada's largest known spruce tree, 'San Jo's Smiley'! This towering tree grows just outside of the town of Holberg on northern Vancouver Island in Quatsino territory. Diameter 14 ft (4.36 m) Height 255 ft (77.8 m)

The Harris Creek Spruce, which grows alongside the road from Lake Cowichan to Port Renfrew. Easily accessible by a short path. Watch for a small 'Point of Interest' sign while driving the Pacific Marine Circle Route.

The impressive Yakoun Spruce tree on Haida Gwaii.

The 'Gnarly Tree' at Avatar Grove in Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory. This western redcedar has one of the most amazing burls we've ever seen!

The incredible burly cedar in the lower Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory. This has to be one of the coolest trees on Earth!

Big Lonely Doug, Canada's second largest Douglas-fir tree! Doug stands alone in an old-growth clearcut in the Gordon River Valley near Port Renfrew, BC. Height: 216 ft (66 m) (broken top) Diameter: 12 ft (4 m)

A tree climber scales Big Lonely Doug, Canada's second largest Douglas-fir tree. Doug stands alone in an old-growth clearcut in the Gordon River Valley near Port Renfrew, BC. Height: 216 ft (66 m) (broken top) Diameter: 12 ft (4 m)

The Gorgon Giant cedar near Cow Bay along the west coast of Flores Island in Ahousaht territory.

The Bulbous Cedar grows along the trail to the Cheewhat Giant and is one of the most phenomenal trees on this planet! Pacific Rim National Park, Vancouver Island, BC, Ditidaht territory.

TJ doing his best to hug Canada's 4th largest known redcedar, located just before the Cheewhat Giant (Canada's largest tree) in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve in Ditidaht territory on Vancouver Island, BC.

Originally identified by Randy Stoltmann, this cedar along Cheewhat Lake is the 3rd largest on record. Diameter: 19'6" ft (5.96 m) Height: 121 ft (37 m)

The Twisted Tower Cedar sparkles in the afternoon sun along the protected shores of Cheewhat Lake. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, Vancouver Island, BC. Ditidaht territory. Diameter: 14.5 ft (4.43 m)

The Triceratops Cedar is one of the most spectacular trees we've ever come across! It grows protected along the shores of Cheewhat Lake on Vancouver Island, BC in Ditidaht territory. Diameter: 15 ft (4.46 m) Height: 141 ft (43 m)

The Hydra Spruce. This is the largest known spruce overall in the Carmanah Valley and the fourth largest spruce on record in BC.

The Hydra Spruce. This is the largest known spruce overall in the Carmanah Valley and the fourth largest spruce on record in BC.

The Castle Giant is a monumental redcedar growing in the unprotected Walbran Valley on Vancouver Island. This tree is at the end of the Castle Grove Trail and was the location of canopy research project in the past. Diameter: 16 ft (4.87 m)

The Castle Giant is a monumental redcedar growing in the unprotected Walbran Valley on Vancouver Island. This tree is at the end of the Castle Grove Trail and was the location of canopy research project in the past. Diameter: 16 ft (4.87 m)

Take a boardwalk to see the massive Tolkien Giant along the Walbran River on Vancouver Island in Pacheedaht territory. Diameter: 15 ft (4.6 m) Height: 137 ft (42 m)

The fantastic and inspiring Emerald Giant cedar tree in the unprotected Walbran Valley in Pacheedaht territory on Vancouver Island, BC.

The monstrous western redcedar grows on a bench in the Upper Castle Grove in the Walbran Valley. Pacheedaht territory, Vancouver Island, BC. Diameter: 17 ft (5.22 m) Height: 153 ft (46.7 m)

Maxine's Tree is located within the Carmanah-Walbran Provincial Park and on of the largest spruce trees in Canada! Diameter: 13.2 ft (4 m)
Height: 265 ft (80.77 m) Volume: 266 m3

The Thornspire Cedar on Flores Island in Clayoquot Sound, BC. Ahousaht territory.

A huge western redcedar growing unprotected in the Nahmint Valley. Height: 126 ft (38.4 m) (broken top) Diameter: 14'7" ft (4.3 m)

The Alberni Giant, identified in 2019 by AFA, is among the last of an elite class of giant Douglas-firs that once dominated the south coast before 150 years of industrial logging almost completely wiped them out. For dedicated tree hunters, locating one of these rare giants is like winning the big-tree lottery. Nahmint Valley, Hupačasath territory. Diameter 12 ft (3.64 m) Height: 202 ft (61.8 m)

A huge large Douglas-fir tree growing in the Nahmint Valley. Diameter: 8.4 ft (2.5 m) Height: 215 ft (66 m)

The Big Tree Trail on Meares Island is a big tree lover's heaven! Be sure to make the short trip via water taxi next time you're visiting Tofino.

The Hanging Garden Tree. This ancient redcedar on Meares Island off the coast of Tofino, BC might appear at first glance to be dead but it is actually still living. Its age would be hard to guess but it could have easily celebrated its 1000th birthday in recent times. The tree lives up to its name with a whole host of plants and other trees growing from its trunk.

A MASSIVE western redcedar growing on Meares Island in Clayoquot Sound.

A huge western redcedar along the Meares Island Big Tree Trail known informally as the "Poster Tree" after appearing in campaign to save the area in the 1980's.

The unprotected 'Refugee Tree', the largest cedar in the Capital Regional District near Victoria, on Crown lands south of Sombrio Beach. Diameter: 13.7 ft (4m) - would be much greater if on level ground!

The 'Fortress Cedar' in the Jurassic Grove!

One of many massive cedars found growing in the Jurassic Grove near Port Renfrew, Pacheedaht territory.

The funky looking 'Pumpkin Cedar' in the Jurassic Grove on Vancouver Island, BC. Pacheedaht territory.

The Canoe Creek Cedar can be found along an easy walking trail at the Canoe Creek Recreation Site off the Pacific Rim Highway en route to Tofino. Diameter: 13.3 ft (4 m) Height: 150 ft (45 m)

The Grandma Betty tree is gigantic Douglas-fir that was named after activist Betty Krawczyk who participated in some of the early blockades to try and protect the Upper Walbran Valley. Sadly, the old-growth directly adjacent to this tree was logged in recent years.

A sitka spruce known as the Heaven Tree in the Carmanah Valley Provincial Park in Ditidaht territory on Vancouver Island, BC.

The Cowabunga Cedar in the unprotected Eden Grove near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory. Diameter: 14 ft (4.24 m) Height: 170 ft (52 m)

A towering Douglas-fir in the Upper Eden Grove in Pacheedaht territory on Vancouver Island, BC.

The largest cedar tree in the unprotected Eden Grove near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory.

A massive Douglas-fir tree growing unprotected on the south slopes of Edinburgh Mt near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory. Diameter: 11 ft (3.38 m)

TJ stands amongst monumental Sitka spruce trees in the Port Renfrew region, Pacheedaht territory.

A doorway though the base of a massive spruce tree near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory which would have formed after the stump or log is started growing on centuries ago rotted away!

Ian tries his best to wrap his long arms around a mega Sitka spruce tree in the Port Renfrew region, Pacheedaht territory.

The Caycuse Giant. This monumental cedar is the largest yet identified in the valley yet remains unprotected. In 2021, logging came to within 50 m of the tree. Diameter: 15 ft (4.67 m)

Another massive redcedar in the Caycuse Valley. Only small fragments of these forests remain, offering a glimpse into the epic scale of forests from the past.

The Caycuse Spruce. This prehistoric looking tree is one of few survivors from a land before time. Diameter: 12.6 ft (3.85 m) Height: 156 ft (47.5 m)

Oh My Darling! This giant cedar grows unprotected along the Darling River in Huu-ay-aht territory on Vancouver Island. Diameter: 13'8" (4.21 m)

The Vernon Garden Cedar grows unprotected in the forests of Vernon Bay in Uchucklesaht and Tseshaht territory. Diameter: 12 ft (3.6 m)

This yellow cedar at the headwaters of Fairy Creek is the 9th widest known of its species on Vancouver Island. Pacheedaht territory. Diameter: 9'5" ft (2.9 m)

The Big Bear Cedar. This giant cedar on the west coast of Vancouver Island has a bear den on its side. Diameter: 14'5" (4.38 m)

The Twizzler Cedar. This is one of the most magnificent and mesmerizing trees we've stumbled upon! Vancouver Island, BC. Diameter: 11 ft (3.9 m)

Giving a hug to fuzzy, giant Sitka spruce tree growing along the Klanawa River in Huu-ay-aht territory on Vancouver Island, BC. Diameter: 12 ft (3.62 m)

The Lyle Giant cedar in Barkley Sound. Diameter: 15'6" ft (4.76 m)

The Woolly Giant Big-leaf maple tree in Mossome Grove near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory. Like a giant mammoth trunk, this tree likely has one of the longest lateral branches in the country!