Seymour Valley Old-Growth Forest Hike
Seymour Valley Old-Growth Forest Hike–Sunday, August 1st!
Join the Ancient Forest Alliance and Ancient Forest Committees to see an amazing stand of old-growth forests (including massive Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and redcedar), next to the Seymour River in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve!
The trip will be on Sunday August 1st. We will be meeting at JJ Bean (Commercial Drive at E 6th Ave) at 10am and heading up to the Seymour Valley from there (across the Second Narrows bridge, then following the signs for Lillouet Rd., continuing to the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve parking lot and gate). We will be driving 11km up a gravel road that follows the Seymour River up to Squamish Creek, then hiking 5-10 minutes downslope towards the river. The trail into the grove is only somewhat established and is fairly steep in places. As this is old-growth forest, be prepared for unstable ground! Bring good walking shoes, rain gear, food and water (and a camera!). We will plan to eat lunch at the Seymour River and aim to be back before 3pm.
Please RSVP to Michelle Connolly at ancientforestcommittee@gmail.com if you would like to come. We are depending on drivers to make this trip possible, so all those who can offer rides please let us know how many extra passengers you can take! We have a limit of 5 cars to get in to the site, so please reply promptly, as we will determine rides on a first come first serve basis! The latest date to respond will be Wednesday July 28th.
Hope to see you there!
Hannah Carpendale, Michelle Connelly and Tara Sawatsky — Lower Mainland Ancient Forest Alliance