Thank You from the Ancient Forest Alliance!
The Ancient Forest Alliance is most grateful to the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) for their major support provided through their Community Contributions grant program. This funding support will allow the AFA to expand our capacity as an organization and strengthen our campaign to protect endangered old-growth forests on Vancouver Island! See MEC's website at: www.MEC.ca
The AFA would also like to thank Innerlife Health Services (innerlife.ca) for their Community Clinic on January 25th, offering BodyTalk sessions with proceeds to the Ancient Forest Alliance, as well as Climbing Arborist (www.climbingarborist.com) and the Mat Fernandez Project for supporting the AFA through their film screening event on January 30th, which included Darryl Augustine's (Roadside Films) AFA documentary. Thank you to all who were involved for your dedicated support!