Thank you to our recent business supporters
We’ve benefitted from exceptionally awesome projects lately. Thank you to the following businesses, groups, and individuals:
Guru Organic Energy Drink for their generous donation. Guru recently released episode 2 of their “True Nature Series” called “Full Circle” featuring athlete and artist, Joel Fuller. Thanks, Joel and all involved for bringing awareness to the AFA and endangered ancient forests in BC: https://www.guruenergy.com/en-ca/stories/joel-k-fuller-one-with-nature
Patagonia Victoria for their dynamic and ongoing support including contributing through their 1% for the planet commitments, donating proceeds from a recent film night, and hosting a selection of AFA gear in their retail shop in downtown Vic.
Good Natured Wine & Andrew Peller Limited for donating $1 from every bottle of Good Nature wine at select Save on Foods locations earlier this fall.
Jeff Nytch for donating proceeds from the successful production of “The Song of the Lorax” which featured images by AFA’s TJ Watt. Thank you also to his supporters for their additional contributions. https://www.jeffreynytch.com/lorax
OneUp Components for their awesome support two years in a row. https://www.oneupcomponents.com/
Evergrow Christmas Trees for their support and for signing a resolution in solidarity of protecting endangered old-growth forests in BC. https://evergrowchristmastrees.ca/
West Coast Trail Express for their generosity. https://trailbus.com/
Hemp & Company for their many years of support. https://hempandcompany.com/
Author Rhonda Kokosha for donating following the launch of a new book “I Really Like the Trees Outside” meant to inspire children and adults alike to appreciate trees and nature. www.rhondakokosha.com
Melissa MacGregor for donating partial proceeds from sales of a fine art landscape painting. Visit https://melissacritchlow.com/ to learn more about the print and order details.
Arrowmaker Accounting for including the AFA among their donation commitments to protect endangered old-growth forests in BC. www.arrowmaker.ca
Double Diamond Law for contributing in several ways to the ancient forest movement. https://doublediamondlaw.com/
However big or small the gesture, we appreciate it! Thank you.