Environmental organization launches VIRY REAL (Vancouver Island Rainforest therapy – Real Earth Appreciation Lessons) for distraught Avatar film-goers

A Canadian environmental organization has established a 3 Step Program designed to cure thousands of movie-goers who complain about sinking into a depression in their drab, Earthly lives after watching scenes of spectacular alien rainforests and wildlife in James Cameron’s hugely popular film, “Avatar”.

Ancient Forest Alliance

TJ Watt Exclusive Interview Canadian Landscape Environmental Photographer

TJ Watt is a professional photographer living in the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC. Born and raised in the rural town of Metchosin, he carries with him a strong passion for the outdoors, the environment, and life itself.

Ancient Forest Alliance – Launch Event!

Enough is Enough! Saving our Last Ancient Forests and Ending Raw Log Exports - Find out about the new organization and its campaign!