Large scale clearcutting of second-growth forests near Shirley in 2011.

Forum on Juan de Fuca Lands – Thursday, May 3rd

Come to the forum on the fate of the forest lands within the Juan de Fuca region and Capital Regional District, "Our Forests, Our Future". The AFA's Ken Wu speaks about the need for a provincial park acquisition fund (similar to those of many regional districts) to buy private lands for protection on a much larger scale. May 3: 7-9 pm, Ambriosia Center, 638 Fisgard St., Victoria - with David Anderson, Ben Parfit, and Ken Wu

Cameron Valley Firebreak

Groups make appeal to save forest

Cameron Valley Firebreak was formerly protected as an ungulate winter range for Roosevelt elk and black-tailed deer, but lost protection in 2004 when the provincial government allowed Weyerhaeuser to remove 88,000 hectares of private managed forest land from tree farm licences.

Cameron Valley Firebreak

Environmental groups decry logging near Cathedral Grove

TJ Watt, Ancient Forest Alliance co-founder, said, "The grove is just jampacked with elk signs and ancient coastal Douglas firs - 99 per cent of which have already been logged."