AFA’s "Climbing Big Lonely Doug" video on Maclean’s "Canada148"

Maclean’s magazine has featured the Ancient Forest Alliance's video on climbing "Big Lonely Doug", discovered in 2014 by AFA campaigners to be the 2nd largest Douglas-fir tree in Canada - but standing alone since 2012 when Teal-Jones clearcut all the ancient trees around Big Lonely Doug. Our video is one of the 148 videos of Canada’s most incredible people, places and experiences, to celebrate Canada's 148th birthday.

Walbran Valley war

Here is a Global TV piece on proposed logging in the Central Walbran Valley by Teal-Jones, a Surrey-based company threatening endangered old-growth forests in several areas.

A Conservation Review of the Elphinstone Provincial Park Expansion Proposal

Wayne McCrory, one of Canada’s leading conservation-biologists, has completed an ecological inventory of the 2,000-hectare Elphinstone forests that is the subject of a park expansion & protection area proposed by the Elphinstone Logging Focus. Learn about the unique features of this lower elevation, emerging old-growth forest at:

AFA Office Hour Update

HOURS: Tuesday & Wednesday, 11am - 5pm until July 21st. Then back to Tues, Wed, Thurs, 11-5   We're located at the Central Building, 620 View St, 3rd floor #306, Victoria, BC (same building and room as Volunteer Victoria)   Stop in for cards, calendars, stickers, t-shirts, certificates, in-person donations, or to ask a question! We'd love to see you. View our online store for full product listing: