Photo Gallery: Massive Trees Cut Down on Vancouver Island

In April 2020, Ancient Forest Alliance campaigner and photographer TJ Watt explored and documented old-growth logging totalling over 70 hectares along Haddon Creek in Ditidaht Territory and found monumental redcedar trees over 11 feet in diameter cut down. Some of these trees had previously been photographed by him while still standing. Without question, this is […]

Logging of BC’s grandest ancient forests continues as Old-growth Strategic Review panel submits recommendations to Province

Conservationists with the Ancient Forest Alliance are calling for both immediate and longer-term steps to protect old-growth following the logging of some of Vancouver Island’s grandest ancient forests along Haddon Creek in the Caycuse River watershed.

Photo Gallery: Exploring & Climbing Ancient Giants at Eden Grove

While further exploring Eden Grove in Pacheedaht territory earlier this year, the AFA’s TJ Watt located another epic stand of ancient giants!


Need a “forest fix”? Watch our top 5 ancient forest films!

Looking for something to pass the time while self-isolating? Check out some of our favourite ancient forest videos! ??