Thank you to our recent business supporters!

A big shout out to the following groups supporting the AFA’s ancient forest campaign: For their August fundraiser, M!LA Plant Based in Vancouver is donating $1 from each sale of two menu features: the Stand By Me cocktail and Spring Pea Tart Anthex and collaborators organized a digital music fundraiser inspired by the majestic Avatar […]

Federal Liberals and NDP make election promises to help fund protection of old-growth forests

On August 21st, 2021, the federal Liberal Party made an election commitment to establish a $50 million BC Old Growth Nature Fund and develop a nature agreement with the province of British Columbia to protect more of BC’s old-growth forests and expand protected areas. 

Photos: Lower Caycuse River

These ‘before’ photos were captured last week in the Lower Caycuse River in Ditidaht territory. Teal-Jones has plans to log 31 hectares of mature and old forest, virtually the last remaining unlogged remnants along the river.

The Ancient Tree Hunter

There are no trails in the old-growth coastal temperate rainforests of Canada’s southern Vancouver Island. As I follow TJ Watt through another grabby thicket of stink currant, I offer silent thanks that I’m not the one lugging the camera equipment.