Gnome Plant

This bizarrely fascinating gnome plant is a rare pink myco-heterotroph found in coastal rainforests. Lacking leaves and stems, it relies on fungi for nutrients rather than photosynthesis. Explore its mysterious relationships with insects and fungi, and learn why this beautiful organism is such a curious critter in forest ecosystems.

A man in a red jacket stands in front of a massive old-growth western redcedar. A navy blue text box sits in the top left corner reading, "Ancient Forest Alliance; 2023 Activity Report & Financials". Ancient Forest Alliance's logo sits in the bottom right corner.

2023 Activity Report & Financials

Since AFA’s inception in 2010, there hasn’t been a year that has seen more progress toward protecting old-growth forests in BC than in 2023. Click and read through our Activity Report & Financials to see how YOU helped contribute to this success and find out what we have in store for 2024.

A man in a red jacket stands beside a colossal old-growth tree in a thicket of lush green.

Thank you to these businesses who support AFA month after month!

We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for our monthly pledges, so we’d like to take a minute to thank the businesses who contribute monthly to the old-growth campaign! 

Morning mist hangs over Clayoquot Sound with mountains in the background.

The Narwhal: Over half of Clayoquot Sound’s iconic forests are now protected — here’s how First Nations and BC did it

Ahousaht and Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations and the BC government announced 760 sq km of old-growth forests in Clayoquot Sound are now safeguarded in 10 new conservancies.