Messages are sent to:

• BC Premier John Horgan
• BC Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Doug Donaldson
• BC Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, George Heyman
• BC Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Scott Fraser
• BC Minster of Finance and Deputy Premier, Carole James
• BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver
• BC Green Party MLAs Sonia Furstenau and Adam Olsen
• BC Liberal forestry critic John Rustad
• Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations, Coast, Craig Sutherland
• Director, Resource Practices Branch, Julie MacDougall
• Assistant Deputy Minister, Chief Forester, Diane Nicholls

Go a step further and write a personalized message!

Ask the following decision-makers to take immediate measures to protect the most intact and endangered ancient forests, create a science-based plan that ensures the long-term ecological integrity of BC’s ancient forests, and support BC First Nations and sustainable forestry jobs:

Premier John Horgan:
Forest Minister Doug Donaldson:
Indigenous Relations Minister Scott Fraser:
Environment Minister George Heyman:

All at: Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
(be sure to include your full name and address so that they know you’re a real person)

See maps and statistics on the remaining old-growth forests on BC’s southern coast