Entries by TJ Watt

Thank you to these foundations for their support!

An exciting aspect of the Ancient Forest Alliance’s transition to a charitable organization is our newfound ability to accept donations through various foundations! We extend our gratitude to the following foundations for their generous contributions toward ancient forest protection in British Columbia for 2024.

Bald Eagles

Witness the majestic bald eagle in the temperate rainforests of BC, where they nest in ancient trees and hunt for wild salmon. Learn about their impressive vision, enormous nests, and how the Chehalis and Harrison Rivers host one of the world’s largest eagle concentrations.

Photos: Jurassic Grove in the Fog

See photos of the old-growth forests of Jurassic Grove near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory. Exploring this incredible grove of old-growth redcedar trees is like stepping back into prehistoric times.

Welcome our new Forest Campaigner, Issy Turnill!

With a master’s degree in Environmental Anthropology and experience as an environmental communications consultant raising awareness about climate and nature-based solutions, Issy brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to the organization.