Entries by TJ Watt

TWO YEAR Anniversary of the Ancient Forest Alliance – Mon., Feb 27th!

Mon., Feb.27: 100 MILE DINNER and CELEBRATION! (Victoria)
Norway House, 1110 Hillside Avenue (by Graham St.), Victoria
6:00-7:30 pm 100 Mile Dinner!  ***SOLD OUT***
Course details TBA. Vegetarian and non-vegetarian options.
Music by renowned Victoria musician Mike Edel!
7:30—9:30 pm Celebration  ***TICKETS LEFT***

To celebrate the organization’s phenomenal growth and success, Social Coast (www.SocialCoast.org) is organizing a 100 Mile Dinner for the AFA with locally-produced, delicious gourmet foods! Yummy! Afterwards, there will be a celebration with music, drinks, speakers, a silent auction, and hob-nobbing with fellow tree-huggers!

Island version of Avatar Grove given provincial protection

Avatar Grove, a unique stand of centuries-old Douglas firs and red cedars, will be at the heart of an expanded, 59-hectare old-growth management area, Forests Minister Steve Thomson said Thursday. The decision follows a public review period, with 232 out of 236 comments favouring protection.

Avatar Grove now protected

The unique stand of old-growth cedar near Port Renfrew is now protected in an expanded old-growth management area, totaling 59.4 hectares,