Entries by TJ Watt

Island version of Avatar Grove given provincial protection

Avatar Grove, a unique stand of centuries-old Douglas firs and red cedars, will be at the heart of an expanded, 59-hectare old-growth management area, Forests Minister Steve Thomson said Thursday. The decision follows a public review period, with 232 out of 236 comments favouring protection.

Avatar Grove now protected

The unique stand of old-growth cedar near Port Renfrew is now protected in an expanded old-growth management area, totaling 59.4 hectares,

AFA supports Avatar Grove’s protection, calls for provincial old-growth plan

Today’s announcement by the BC government to legally prohibit logging of the Avatar Grove by including it in 59.4 hectares of Old-Growth Management Areas was met with happiness by the Ancient Forest Alliance, the BC environmental group that found and popularized the monumental stand of valley-bottom ancient redcedars and Douglas fir near Port Renfrew two years ago.

Call to write letters

Please take a moment to assist with each area – if you commit just 30 minutes, you could help each area listed below right now: Avatar Grove, Cortes Island, the Great Bear Rainforest, Flores Island, McLaughlin Ridge, and Mossy Maple Grove.