Entries by TJ Watt

Save Cortes Island’s Endangered Forests!

Please WRITE A QUICK EMAIL as soon as possible to BC's Minister of Environment, Hon. Terry Lake at: terry.lake.mla@leg.bc.ca . Ask that the BC government help fund the purchase of endangered old-growth stands, sensitive ecosystems, and other high priority lands for conservation currently owned by Island Timberlands. ***BE SURE to include your FULL NAME and ADDRESS so they know you are a real person!

Environmental group balances jobs with old-growth protection

Protecting the environment and retaining forestry jobs seemed to be something that could never happen.

The Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) came up with a new goal which is to retain forestry jobs through sustainable logging practices while saving old-growth forests for future generations.

2012 Predictions – Environment – Ken Wu

While the strength of environmental campaigns vary each year, 2012 should be major. Here are five predictions: 1. The Climate Change Movement will Heat Up 2. Slick Oil Industry PR will Spread to Pipelines 3. Ancient Forest Campaign will Target both B.C. Lib's and NDP 4. The Fight against Fish Farms will go Viral 5. Raw Logs on a Slow Boat to China will be Protested.

Mr. Arboretum lives on

"At the time, I hadn't paid much attention to what the lichen actually looked like, so I bought it sight unseen," his widow Anne Hansen laughed Wednesday. "Then people said to me, 'Oh my God, that lichen looks like Henry's beard.'" 

A name to remember him by

It began with a story written by Sun reporter Larry Pynn. In the June 17 edition, Pynn told the story of how Trevor Goward, curator of lichens at UBC, discovered two new species of lichen: one in the Hazel-ton area and one in the Clear-water Valley near Wells Gray Provincial Park.