Entries by TJ Watt

CTV News – Endangered DND Lands Need Protection

Ancient Forest Alliance worries about potential sell-off of unused DND lands for real estate development and calls for federal government to let Canadian Wildlife Service, Parks Canada, the provinces, regional districts, and First Nations protect unused DND lands.

Ancient forests in B.C. – Canadian Geographic Blog

On the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, just 15 minutes north of the historic logging town of Port Renfrew, an ancient old-growth forest named Avatar Grove gives visitors a glimpse of how the island’s trees may have looked 1,000 years ago.

Big trees boost tourism in West Coast town

Pink ribbons knotted to tree branches at the side of a gravel logging road mark the entry to an amazing earthly experience, something so different from anything most people have experienced it might be on another world. 


Date:          Thursday, October 20, 2011
Time:          7:00-8:30 pm
Location:    Alix Goolden Hall, 907 Pandora St., Victoria  (click here for map)
YOUR participation will send an undeniable message to Christy Clark’s BC Liberal government that they MUST act during the next 18 months before a BC election to protect British Columbia’s ancient forests and ensure sustainable forestry jobs!

Move by Liberals to amend Forest Act draws criticism

The provincial government has introduced legislation to allow woodlot owners the right to remove their lands from forest management requirements and sell them while retaining their tenure on Crown lands, similar to a controversial move four years ago that allowed large forest companies the same right on Vancouver Island.