Entries by TJ Watt

Overwhelming beauty: Almost every inch of Port Renfrew, B.C., inspires awe

This travel feature in the Globe and Mail focuses on Port Renfrew and talks about the Ancient Forest Alliance and the Avatar Grove/ boardwalk (***take note we'll be recruiting more volunteers and raising funds to try to finish the boardwalk by this summer):
"There’s a fascinating back story to Avatar Grove, which only got its name a few years back after the Ancient Forest Alliance campaigned to have the area saved from logging and it was declared a protected area in 2012. Named after James Cameron’s epic 2009 movie, it’s home to some of the most ancient trees on Vancouver Island and just a few minutes drive from Port Renfrew. Unlike Cathedral Grove, a protected old-forest area on the way to Tofino, Avatar Grove is no simple stroll. Although the AFA has been laying down boardwalk to protect the root systems of the trees, there’s still plenty of clambering over logs and navigating slippery slopes before you reach the famous Gnarly Tree. You spend so much time looking where you’re going, in fact, that when you finally stop and look up, it’s more than a little overwhelming. Thoughts crash through your mind in rapid succession: Oh wow, that’s so beautiful. Oh man, that’s so big! And, most importantly: How the hell did anyone even think about logging this treasure?"

Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) passes resolution for Natural Land Acquisition Fund!

The Ancient Forest Alliance and UVic Environmental Law Centre’s resolution calling on the province to establish a “Natural Land Acquisition Fund” to purchase and protect endangered ecosystems on private lands (using the “Pop for Parks” mechanism) was also passed today at the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) AGM. If implemented by the province, this will make it easier to purchase and protect places like Mount Horne – the endangered mountainside above Cathedral Grove at risk from Island Timberlands – and endangered forests, grasslands, wetlands, and ecosystems throughout BC on private lands. THANKS to the thousands of you who wrote letters, and to the Highlands, Victoria, and Saanich councillors who pioneered the original support for this, and for all the councillors today who voted for the fund!

Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) passes resolution for protection of Vancouver Island’s old-growth forests!

Wow!! Some fantastic news: Today the resolution calling on the BC government to protect Vancouver Island's remaining old-growth forests was passed at the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) AGM, the umbrella organization of coastal municipalities! Thanks to Metchosin councillor and renowned forest ecologist Andy MacKinnon for drafting the resolution and for Moralea Milne and other councillors from Metchosin – and today councillors all over the coast – for supporting the resolution! This is a big leap forward in our campaign to end old-growth logging on Vancouver Island and beyond and to ensure a sustainable second-growth forest industry instead.

Vancouver Island’s old-growth forest an ‘ecological emergency’: Sierra Club

Here's a good article by Justine Hunter of the Globe and Mail, with a photo of the Walbran Valley by the AFA's TJ Watt. The article features Jens Wieting of the Sierra Club of BC and Dr. Richard Hebda:
Just one-tenth of Vancouver Island’s most productive old-growth rainforest with the tallest trees remains unlogged, he said, and some of that is currently approved for logging.
The B.C. government states that on Vancouver Island, 46 percent of the forest on Crown land is still covered by old-growth forest, but Mr. Wieting said that figure is inflated because the province includes less productive ecosystems such as bogs or sparsely treed high elevations. What remains, he said, is a patchwork of forests that are too small to ensure biodiversity.
“For Vancouver Island and British Columbia’s south coast, we believe it is urgent to develop a new conservation plan to safeguard the remaining intact areas and to restore older second growth so that we can have some connectivity,” he said in an interview.

ROOT Victoria (April 9-10)

Saturday & Sunday, April 9-10, 10am-5pm
Goward House, 2495 Arbutus Rd (see MAP)

Join in this weekend gathering of workshops and presentations, organized by Root Victoria, aimed at cultivating a deeper connection to self, nature, and community. Come for numerous presentations and workshops, including a presentation by the AFA’s TJ Watt on Saturday at 10am-10:30am and visit the AFA’s table throughout the weekend. For more details, see www.rootvictoria.com and on Facebook HERE

Admission $10, with 50% of proceeds to support the Ancient Forest Alliance.

VICTORIA: Creatively United for the Planet (April 16 – Sustainability Showcase)

Saturday, April 16th, 10am-5pm
Royal Bay Secondary School (see MAP)
Admission $10 (16 and under free)
*this is for the festival’s Sustainability Showcase – other festival events on April 15, 22 & 23 – see HERE for details

As we approach Earth Day, come for various booths, displays, and presentations, including a slideshow by the AFA’s Ken Wu and TJ Watt on the status and ecology of BC's old-growth forests, from 2-3 pm on Saturday April 16th, as part of the Creatively United for the Planet festival’s Sustainability Showcase. And visit our table at the showcase (same day & place) from 10am-5pm. Details at: creativelyunited.org

VICTORIA: All Beings Confluence (April 20–28)

April 20-28 (ongoing)
Cadboro Bay United Church (2625 Arbutus Rd, Victoria – see MAP)
Free/by donation

All Beings Confluence, hosted by the Cadboro Bay United Church in Victoria, is an expanding fabric art installation created by many individuals from multiple communities and local organizations. This project uses community art, collaborative practices and a belief in the creative process to explore the idea that all life is interconnected and each “living being” plays a vital role in sustaining the web of life. The event will also help to raise awareness and support for the Ancient Forest Alliance, the Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Society (VIRCS), and The Learning Curve. See details and invite others on Facebook HERE

Council endorses Pop for Parks

More good news! THANKS to all of you who wrote letters, the Saanich council has voted overwhelmingly (8 to 1) in favour of our resolution asking the province to implement a natural land acquisition fund (using the "pop for parks" mechanism") to purchase and protect endangered ecosystems on private lands in BC, similar to the CRD's land acquisition fund that has been key to protect the Sooke Hills and Potholes, Jordan River, Mount Maxwell, and other key green spaces. Saanich now joins the councils of Victoria and Highlands in passing the resolution.

Also see the AFA and ELC's original media release at: https://ancientforestalliance.org/news-item.php?ID=950