Entries by TJ Watt

War in the Woods mass arrests 20 years ago prompted lasting change

It is the quiet amid the chaos just as the logging trucks and police rolled in that Tzeporah Berman remembers acutely about the War in the Woods, the fight by environmentalists 20 years ago over Clayoquot Sound.  Every day for almost three months during the summer of 1993, Berman and hundreds of other protesters stared down the logging trucks destined for some of Canada's most pristine old-growth forests on Vancouver Island, B.C.

Clayoquot protest 20 years ago transformed face of environmentalism

The protests at Clayoquot Sound, which lies just off Tofino on Vancouver Island’s outer coast of pristine beaches, rugged coastlines, islets, inlets and tranquil sheltered coves, represented the coalescing of public objections to clearcut logging plans by corporations who were following government policy in majestic old-growth forests.

Avatar Grove: the Extraordinary and the Ordinary

A scant 10 minute walk off a logging road near the BC's West Coast town of Port Renfrew is Avatar Grove, a stand of old cedars so majestic, powerful and gnarled that T. F. Watt said he and his colleagues from the Ancient Forest Alliance "were running around like kids in a candy story" when they found it in 2009.

Salon cuts hair in support of endangered forests

If you can stave it off until Sunday (Aug. 4), you can get a cut from noted Vancouver master stylist Champ Waterhouse at the Spirit of the Sea Festival – and help protect endangered old-growth forests in B.C. in the bargain.


You are invited to participate in saving BC’s Endangered Old-Growth Forests:
Have your hair cut with master stylist Champ Waterhouse at Seventh Heaven’s booth at the Spirit of the Sea Festival on East Beach in White Rock BC, Sunday August 4. Half of the proceeds will be donated to Ancient Forest Alliance!

Hike at Avatar Grove – Boardwalk Fundraiser! Sunday, July 21st.

Join Darren Copley, Victoria Natural History Society president, and Claudia Copley, Royal BC Museum entomology collections manager, BC spider expert Dr. Robb Bennett, and Ancient Forest Alliance organizers Ken Wu and TJ Watt on Sunday, July 21st for a fantastic forest hike. You'll learn about the plants and wildlife of our old-growth forests, see the progress of the boardwalk so far and find out how you can help support the completion of this important project!