China Investment Corporation Eyes BC Forests, Spells FIPA Danger
The China Investment Corporation (ICI), one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds, is set to become a powerful landowner in British Columbia if a $100 million deal with Island Timberlands, the second-largest owner of private forests in the province, goes through. The Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) is concerned that closure of the deal, especially in light of Canada’s pending ratification of the Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement (FIPA), could have negative consequences for protection of BC’s treasured old-growth forests, forestry jobs, and the rights of First Nations, according to an AFA press release.
– The future obstruction of “new regulations or taxes to curtail unprocessed ‘raw’ logs from being exported from BC to sawmills in China and abroad.”– The undermining of “stronger Forest Protection regulations on private forest lands.”– The move away from the establishment of a “Forest Land Reserve” which mirrors other popular conservations strategies such as the “Agricultural Land Reserve.”– The obstruction of “implementation of First Nations land-use plans and shared decision making measures that may require legally-binding orders from the BC government to protect sacred sites, important cultural use sites, and natural resource areas.”