UBC scientists find high mutation rates generating genetic diversity within huge, old-growth trees

UBC NewsJuly 8th, 2019 Study provides clues on how trees evolve to survive The towering, hundreds of years old Sitka spruce trees growing in the heart of Vancouver Island’s Carmanah Valley appear placid and unchanging. In reality, each one is packed to the rafters with evolutionary potential. UBC researchers scraped bark and collected needles from […]

Province-wide rallies to protect old-growth forests

Watch this Global News piece about the day of action for ancient forests where concerned and frustrated British Columbians gathered outside 17 MLA offices across the province to demand protection for endangered old-growth forests and a shift to a sustainable, second-growth industry.

Premier’s office one of 17 rallies across B.C. calling for protection of old-growth forest

Check out this article in the Sooke News Mirror about a province-wide day of action for ancient forests!

B.C. Greens call for halt on logging Island old-growth

Read this Times Colonist article about the BC Green Party's call on the provincial government for a moratoria on logging in Vancouver Island's old-growth "hotspots" ( intact ancient forests with the greatest conservation and recreational values).

B.C. Greens call for immediate halt to old-growth logging on Vancouver Island

Check out this CTV article about the BC Greens' call for moratoria on old-growth logging on Vancouver Island and a transition to a sustainable, second-growth economy.

Sonia Furstenau: The Island’s old growth is under attack

Read Green Party MLA Sonia Furstenau's op ed in the Times Colonist about the urgent need for the NDP government to protect BC's endangered old-growth forests.

B.C. Greens call for immediate moratorium on logging of VI old-growth, support sustainable second-growth industry

The BC Green Party has called on the on the provincial government to institute a moratoria on logging in Vancouver Island's old-growth "hotspots". Check out their media release here!

Plan to log near Juan de Fuca park on hold again for consultation with nearby lodge

Check out this Times Colonist article about the BC government's decision to postpone the timber sale of 109 hectares of old-growth forest next to Juan de Fuca Provincial Park.

Port Renfrew chamber decries logging plan

Read this Times Colonist article about the Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce calling for protection of the old-growth forests currently up for auction by BC Timber Sales next to Juan de Fuca Provincial Park.

B.C. delays timber auction near Juan de Fuca park

Read this article in the Times Colonist about the BC government extending the closing date for the auction of 109 hectares of old-growth forest next to Juan de Fuca Provincial Park .