Avatar Grove

Les bûcherons ne pourront pas couper les arbres anciens de la forêt Avatar Grove

Victoria accorde à la zone Avatar Grove un statut de protection d'environ 59hectares. Le secteur abrite des cèdres rouges et des sapins de Douglas, dont certains ont plus de 500 ans, qui devaient être coupés par une compagnie forestière.  

Canada's Gnarliest Tree in Avatar Grove

Avatar Grove now protected

The unique stand of old-growth cedar near Port Renfrew is now protected in an expanded old-growth management area, totaling 59.4 hectares,

Avatar Grove

Forest alliance welcomes government announcement to preserve Avatar Grove

The BC Government announced Thursday that a unique stand of old growth cedars known as the Avatar Grove will be entirely protected from development and logging.

Avatar Grove

B.C. earns kudos for protecting Avatar Grove; slammed by auditor general on forestry

The Victoria-based Ancient Forests Alliance applauded the government's decision to protect from logging almost 60-hectares of the old-growth cedar forest near Port Renfrew, located about 110 kilometres south of Victoria on Vancouver Island.

Avatar Grove

Avatar Grove to be protected by province

Avatar Grove, a unique stand of centuries-old Douglas firs and red cedars, will be included in an expanded, 59-hectare old-growth management area, Forests Minister Steve Thomson said Thursday.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Canada’s Mossiest Rainforest

This video, created by BC's Ancient Forest Alliance, showcases the mossy beauty of Mossy Maple Grove, a forest near Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island.

The Victoria Naturalist – “Canada’s Mossiest Rainforest” Found on Vancouver Island

Check out the January/February 2012 edition of The Victoria Naturalist for the Ancient Forest Alliance’s article on “Canada’s Mossiest Rainforest”! The article is found on pages 15 and 16. Be sure to check out the other interesting and informative nature pieces as well!

Ancient Forest Alliance

Salt Spring Island a ‘model’ for Cortes Island advocates to prevent logging of pristine B.C. forests.

As deadline looms for Island Timberlands to begin logging on Cortes Island, advocates are hoping for a re-enactment of an earlier success story to protect the area's pristine forests.

Cortes Island resident Fred Savage next to a 400-year old Douglas fir

Ancient Forest Alliance confirms vital old growth in threatened Cortes Island woods

Forest conservation experts say documenting old growth trees in BC island forests could help secure provincial support, in order to buy endangered land from logging company Island Timberlands.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Environmental group balances jobs with old-growth protection

Protecting the environment and retaining forestry jobs seemed to be something that could never happen. The Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) came up with a new goal which is to retain forestry jobs through sustainable logging practices while saving old-growth forests for future generations.