A waterfall cascades through the old-growth redcedars in the endagered Avatar Grove.

Canadian Student Takes Top Prize in International Environmental Journalism Competition with an Article on Avatar Grove

International winner Liz Welliver, whose article “Making a Stand for Avatar” captures the attempts to preserve a newfound swath of ancient old growth forests in BC, was among three youth to take home a prize in the Canadian leg of the competition.

Naming rights for this new species of Bryoria or “Horsehair Lichen”

If you take a lichen to them, name them

While new lichens are discovered on an almost monthly basis, most of those are in the “dime-a-dozen” category of crust lichens, said Mr. Goward. The two lichens up for auction are from the much more prestigious “macrolichens” category.

Naming rights for this new species of Bryoria or “Horsehair Lichen”

Your name could go on a lichen

A botanist from the University of B.C. has donated the naming rights to two species of lichen he's discovered to two environmental groups. The Ancient Forest Alliance and The Land Conservancy are auctioning off the right to name the species to the highest bidders.

Naming rights for this new species of Bryoria or “Horsehair Lichen”

Naming rights for new species up for auction online

Trevor Goward, curator of lichens at the University of British Columbia and author of several books, said in an interview Friday he discovered a new species of horsehair lichen in the mid-1990s in the Hazelton-Kispiox area and a new species of crottle lichen in the Clearwater Valley two years ago, both of them in old-growth B.C. forests.

Naming rights for this new species of Bryoria or “Horsehair Lichen”

New Species Name to be Auctioned-off as Fundraiser for the Ancient Forest Alliance!

“Having your name linked to a living species is a legacy that lasts,” says botanist and taxonomist Goward. "With any luck your name will endure as long as our civilization does. Not even Shakespeare could hope for more than that.”

The last of BC's old-growth forest continues to be targeted by logging companies like this example on southern Vancouver Island.

B.C. isn’t doing enough to preserve its forests

The science on forest conservation recommends much greater amounts of forest be protected, and I have confidence that B.C. can meet the challenge. We can produce more jobs and value per cubic metre of forest cut while conserving much more of the forests themselves.

Much of Vancouver Island's second-growth forest is being logged quickly and shipped out of BC as raw logs instead of being processed and manufactured at local mills.

Translation needed in raw-log export debate

A letter writer does an excellent job of de-bunking industry spin regarding raw log exports point by point in this hard-hitting article.

Ancient Forest Alliance campaigner Hannah Carpendale stands amongst giant old-growth Douglas-firs alongside the Koksilah River. These lands could be at risk of being logged by the pension funds.

Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group opposes TimberWest sale to pension funds

The Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group representing First Nation bands from north of Shawnigan lake to Nanaimo on eastern Vancouver Island is opposing the sale of TimberWest to two pension funds because of a lack of consultation and accommodation of First Nations rights and title interests in the transaction.

Ancient Forest Alliance

CHEK News: The Fight For Our Ancient Forests, BC Parks, and the Carmanah Valley

The story focuses on the Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park and highlights the need to increase parks funding and maintenence in these spectacular places as well as the need to expand protected areas to include the remaining endangered old-growth forests on Vancouver Island and southern BC and shift instead to logging second-growth forests sustainably.

Local environmental advocates celebrate Earth Day

Ken Wu with the Ancient Forest Alliance, spoke on behalf of old growth forests.