The two journalism students put together an audio/visual story on the Avatar Grove. Follow this link to watch and listen:

Old trees find new value in historic logging town

Nestled on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, the town’s livelihood and identity grew out of logging old-growth forests for most of the 20th century. Mechanization of the logging industry in the 1980s led to significant job loss, which forced the town to find new ways to thrive.

Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce President Rosie Betsworth makes her speech during the AFA hosted fundraiser at the Sooke Harbour House.

Port Renfrew aided by donations

At a fundraiser on March 17 at the Sooke Harbour House, local area business people and interested conservationists came together to raise funds for an information centre in Port Renfrew.

San Juan Spruce tree and the Red Creek Fir - some of the Canada's largest trees found right nearby!

Sooke fundraiser aims to raise awareness of Island’s ancient trees

The aim of the free-drink-and-free-appetizer event at Sooke Harbour House is to increase tourism to monumental trees around Port Renfrew.

UVic Law students gather around one of the giant

Avatar Grove profile on the rise

The environmental advocates with the AFA have worked steadily at publicizing the site of old growth trees they became aware of in late 2009. Some of the cedar and spruce trees located there are reportedly among the oldest and largest on the continent.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Al Jazeera Reports on Ancient Forest Alliance’s Campaign to Save Old-Growth Forests and the Avatar Grove

Watch the news clip from Al Jazeera, one of the largest TV news networks on Earth that reaches 220 million homes in over 100 countries, who have just featured the Ancient Forest Alliance’s campaign to protect British Columbia’s endangered old-growth forests and the Avatar Grove on Vancouver Island.

Al Jazeera's Imtiaz Tyab stands reports on BC's endangered old-growth forests while standing on a giant Sitka spruce stump in the Gordon River Valley near Port Renfrew.

In B.C., Al Jazeera finds a new war to cover

"We're always interested in environmental stories," said al Jazeera producer Jet Belgraver, on the phone from Toronto. The story, which will air Saturday, aims to give global viewers "a bit of a reality check" about B.C. logging practices.

The international news group Al Jazeera filming near Canada's Gnarliest Tree in the Avatar Grove

BC’s ancient forests draw Al Jazeera’s gaze

Al Jazeera English is actually available to 220 million homes in more than 100 countries around the world, which is what has local environmentalists excited.

A waterfall cascades through the old-growth redcedars in the endagered Avatar Grove.

Avatar Grove to be featured on Al Jazeera News Network

Speaking on CFAX 1070 with Dave Dickson Thursday, the Alliance's spokesperson Ken Wu explains how the network found out about Avatar Grove

Avatar Grove

Al Jazeera to report from front lines of B.C.’s old-growth logging issue

"This will be the biggest international news hit for the old-growth campaign in a long time," Ken Wu of the Ancient Forest Alliance said Thursday. "There is a strong international market for environmental issues, particularly one that is very charismatic."

AFA Photographer TJ Watt relaxes in a giant redcedar the day he and a friend discovered the now endangered Avatar Grove.

Old-growth group helping push forest policy changes

Bell’s announcement came on the heels of a similar recommendation released by the Forest Practices Board, an independent advisory group for the B.C. government.