Benna Keoghoe stands next to a giant Douglas fir measuring 6ft in diameter growing in Mount Doug Park located within the Oak Bay/Gordon Head swing riding.

Environmental activist targets Oak Bay-Gordon Head riding to launch tree campaign

You don't have to drive hours out of Victoria to find old-growth trees or, for that matter, politicians who are hanging onto their seats by a thread.

AFA Campaign Director Ken Wu stands beside one of the Avatar Grove's largest redcedars.

Avatar worth exploring

I had the pleasure March 28 of joining 80 other members of the Ancient Forest Alliance to experience the small grove of old growth trees near Port Renfrew known (informally) as Avatar Grove.

Lower Avatar Grove

Avatar worth saving

As one of the 80 hikers who visited Avatar Grove on March 28 with the Ancient Forest Alliance, I find it somewhat ironic that the Vancouver Olympics showcased the natural beauty of B.C.'s old-growth forests.

An ancient western red cedar growing in Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew

Monday Hits The Road To See Avatar Grove

Last weekend, Monday hit the road with environmentalist Ken Wu and the Ancient Forest Alliance (along with 80 other curious community members) to pay a visit to what the AFA is calling "Canada's gnarliest tree".

Waterfalls flow from streams running through towering ancient red cedars in the logging threatened Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew

Avatar’s beauty exists in our world, too

So I finally went to see Avatar in 3-D. It was breathtaking, of course. But what struck me the most was at the end; I realized that I had viewed this epic story of environmental degradation through plastic 3-D glasses made in China.

Photographer TJ Watt is dwarfed by one of the huge alien shaped Red Cedar's in the threatened Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew

Old-growth forest worth preserving

I had the pleasure last Sunday to experience the small grove of old-growth trees near Port Renfrew known informally as the Avatar Grove

Waterfront property with old-growth forest for sale in BC's Cape Scott provincial park.

Old growth forest for sale in Cape Scott Provincial Park

For just over $1.8 million, you can own 60 hectares of old growth forest and white sand shoreline within the boundaries of Cape Scott Provincial Park, just three kilometres off the world-famous Cape Scott Trail. If a more sheltered retreat is more your thing, $349,000 will buy about 16 hectares of old growth forest bordering the salmon-bearing Fisherman River – which is even closer to the Trail.

B.C.’s old-growth forests have support of the Na’vi

Downtown Vancouver was visited by Na'vi from the extraterrestrial moon Pandora at a small rally for B.C.'s ancient rainforests Saturday afternoon. Led by a carnival band in green costumes, about 100 supporters of the Ancient Forest Alliance borrowed from images from the blockbuster hit Avatar in their protest against the logging of old-growth forests and marched to the Vancouver Art Gallery with its message that the provincial government needs to take more action to protect those scarce landscapes

"Canada's gnarliest tree" grows in Avatar Grove

Hollywood spin for old-growth forest

The Avatar Grove -- a stunning stand of old-growth trees on Vancouver Island -- is slated for destruction but local "Na'vis" hope to save it. In reference to the James Cameron blockbuster film Avatar, the Ancient Forest Alliance will dress in blue like the indigenous Na'vis in the movie, at a demonstration Saturday in Vancouver.

"Canada's gnarliest tree" grows in Avatar Grove

Deformed cedar puts new face on old-growth protection on Vancouver Island

Gnarly, dude. Environmentalists are exploiting a grotesquely shaped western red cedar to highlight the need to protect a grove of old-growth trees near Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island.