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AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
Copyright © 2025 Ancient Forest Alliance • All Rights Reserved
Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
B.C. isn’t doing enough to preserve its forests
The science on forest conservation recommends much greater amounts of forest be protected, and I have confidence that B.C. can meet the challenge. We can produce more jobs and value per cubic metre of forest cut while conserving much more of the forests themselves.
World’s Largest Douglas-fir Tree – The Red Creek Fir!
The tree and a small surrounding stand of trees currently receive "soft" protection through an Old-Growth Management Area, but legislated "hard" protection is needed in the form of a conservancy, park, or ecological reserve that also encompasses a much larger buffer area.
Translation needed in raw-log export debate
A letter writer does an excellent job of de-bunking industry spin regarding raw log exports point by point in this hard-hitting article.
Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group opposes TimberWest sale to pension funds
The Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group representing First Nation bands from north of Shawnigan lake to Nanaimo on eastern Vancouver Island is opposing the sale of TimberWest to two pension funds because of a lack of consultation and accommodation of First Nations rights and title interests in the transaction.
Cross Canada Bike Tour Aims to Raise Funds to Protect BC’s Ancient Forests!
Wildlife biologist Nigel Jackett, and environmentalist-musician Jaime Hall have begun a cross Canada bicycle expedition to raise awareness for one of Canada’s most unique but threatened environments: the Pacific temperate rainforest of coastal British Columbia. The two will be raising funds for the Ancient Forest Alliance based on the total number of bird species found during their ride. Make a PLEDGE TODAY!
CHEK News: The Fight For Our Ancient Forests, BC Parks, and the Carmanah Valley
The story focuses on the Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park and highlights the need to increase parks funding and maintenence in these spectacular places as well as the need to expand protected areas to include the remaining endangered old-growth forests on Vancouver Island and southern BC and shift instead to logging second-growth forests sustainably.
Local environmental advocates celebrate Earth Day
Ken Wu with the Ancient Forest Alliance, spoke on behalf of old growth forests.
Forests for the Future: Community Gathering & Letter-Writing Evening at the Rhizome Cafe
Join in on a grassroots community gathering to celebrate the legacy of BC's endangered ancient forests and to voice support for their protection. Featuring forest trivia, letter-writing, and a slideshow of images of BC's ancient temperate rainforests!
Avatar Grove – Making a Stand
Four bright and dedicated students from Pearson College put together an excellent 7 minute documentary on the Avatar Grove and Vancouver Island’s threatened old-growth forests.
Port Renfrew Chamber News
I would like to thank the Sooke Harbour House, The Ancient Forest Alliance and Adriane Carr for making the event all possible. We raised $6,100 in pledges and cash donations, and made new friends who own companies who are able to give a hand in other areas.