
Nahmint Valley, Port Alberni - Huge Tree Logging

Hupacasath First Nation calls on BC Government to Halt Logging of Old-Growth Forest in Nahmint Valley on Vancouver Island

The Hupacasath First Nation has sent an open letter to the BC NDP government, calling for an end to old-growth logging in the Nahmint Valley, in their traditional territory near Port Alberni, where Canada's ninth-widest Douglas-fir tree was felled in May. The letter calls on the provincial government to extinguish existing old-growth cutblocks and to work collaboratively with the band to ensure the protection of the area’s old-growth forests, biggest trees, and monumental cedars.

Ancient Forest Alliance campaigner and photographer TJ Watt stands among towering old-growth Douglas-fir trees in Metchosin.

Ancient Forest Alliance Commends BC NDP Government for Expanding Protection for Coastal Douglas-Fir Ecosystem

The AFA commends the BC NDP government for protecting nearly 1,000 hectares of endangered Coastal Douglas Fir ecosystem on southeast Vancoucer Island and the Gulf Islands and calls for a provincial land acquisition fund to purchase and protect endangered ecosystems on private lands (which constitute the vast majority of BC's Coastal Douglas Fir zone)