The horsehair lichen – which Hansen says resembles Kock's beard – will be known as Bryoria kockiana.

Media Release: “New Species Conservation Auction” closes with renowned BC artist Anne Hansen Winning Bid

Hansen won the naming rights to a newly discovered species of lichen from BC’s inland rainforest, which she plans to name in honour of her late husband. Proceeds from the auction will go to the Ancient Forest Alliance, a new non-profit organization working to protect BC’s old-growth forests and forestry jobs.

The horsehair lichen – which Hansen says resembles Kock's beard – will be known as Bryoria kockiana.

Santa Claus, Conservation Groups Benefit from ‘Tree Beard’ Lichen Named for Late U of G Plantsman

The new species of horsehair lichen will be called Bryoria kockiana for Henry Kock, former interpretive horticulturist at the U of G Arboretum and a leading authority on native woody plants. He died in 2005 of brain cancer. His wife, Anne Hansen, purchased the scientific naming rights to the lichen this week.

Anne Hansen: A Likin’ For Lichen

She will name the lichen after her deceased husband, Henry Kock, horticulturist and author of Growing Trees from Seed (Firefly Books Ltd, 2008).  The book was completed by his botanical colleagues after his death.  Kock (pronounced “Coke”) was the public face of the Arboretum at the University of Guelph for 20 years.  He died of brain cancer on December 25, 2005.  Hansen moved from Ontario to BC in 2007.

Renowned lichenologist Trevor Goward stands beside the new species of Bryoria or "horsehair lichen" he discovered. To place a bid for the naming rights to this species visit:

Lichenologist Trevor Goward: Statement on the Close on the New Species Conservation Auction

As a taxonomist, I'm also delighted if my work can in some way help to preserve critical habitats for the organisms I study. As this is a first trial run of taxonomic tithing in Canada, I accept that it will take time for Canadians really to get behind this new method of conservation fund raising.

Scientific American: Designate a species with your name or your pooch’s

There are species named after famous people: Strigiphilus garylarsoni is a louse named after the cartoonist Gary Larson.

Mary Vasey stands beside the largest old-growth bigleaf maple in the Mossy Maple Grove.

Mossiest forest in Canada creating buzz in Lake Cowichan

Diverse mosses, licorice ferns and lobaria “lettuce” lichens and more fauna grows on the trees in Mossy Maple. According to Wu, Mossy Maple hosts more plants growing on trees than any other trees in North America. The area is also home to bears, cougars, elk and a host of other wildlife.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Lichen-naming auction can be your path to immortality

"I can't help but think it would be the perfect Christmas present," said MacKinnon, coauthor of The Plants of Coastal B.C., which has sold 300,000 copies and is described as the Bible of B.C. botany. "I'm sure you've heard the phrase 'A lichen is forever,' " he said.  

Naming rights for this new species of Bryoria or “Horsehair Lichen”

British Columbia Magazine: Lichen auction closes soon

Time is running out to have a treasured name live on in a lichen species. The contest to name two new species of lichen found in British Columbia’s rainforests closes December 15, so get brainstorming and start bidding!

Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group's (HTG) Robert Morales speaking at the Ancient Forest Alliance's rally in October

TONIGHT! Chief treaty negotiator Robert Morales speaks on the Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group’s fight for their forests and human rights!

Join the Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group's (HTG) Robert Morales for a presentation about the Hul'qumi'num's fight to sustain their culture, their land and their human rights against the large scale clearcutting and development on their unceded territories. Time: 7:00-8:30 PM Date: TONIGHT! Tuesday, Dec.13 th Location: Garry Oak Room - Fairfield Community Association

Naming rights for this new species of Bryoria or “Horsehair Lichen”

“New Species Conservation Auction” – Unique Conservation Fundraiser to help counter the Biodiversity Crisis, closes this Thursday

A public auction for the naming rights to a recently discovered species of lichen in British Columbia’s  temperate rainforest will close at 3 pm EST on Thursday, December 15.  The new species was discovered by botanical researcher Trevor Goward, the curator of lichens at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at the University of British Columbia. Funds from the highest bidder will benefit the Ancient Forest Alliance!