ACTION ALERT: Speak up for ancient forests. Submit your feedback on Budget 2021 by June 26th!

Right now until 5:00 pm, Friday, June 26th, the BC government is seeking input from British Columbians on their priorities for the 2021 provincial budget. This is a critical opportunity for us to request funding for old-growth forest protection! Budget 2021 will set the tone for a post-COVID-19 BC. With $1.5 billion in stimulus spending, […]

Most of B.C.’s massive old trees are ghosts, existing only on paper

Most of British Columbia’s old-growth forests of big trees live only on maps, and what’s left on the ground is fast disappearing, a team of independent scientists has found.

Scientists conclude B.C.’s count of old-growth forest greatly overestimated

      Vancouver SunJune 9, 2020 An independent report by a trio of scientists warns that the tiny amount of old-growth forest remaining in B.C. is in peril if the province doesn’t implement sweeping policies to protect it. The report, released last month by Karen Price, Rachel Holt and Dave Daust, was done to aide […]

Nahmint Valley, Port Alberni - Huge Tree Logging

B.C. old-growth data ‘misleading’ public on remaining ancient forest: independent report

Old forests are ‘irreplaceable’ Holt said old-growth forests are integral to adapting to climate change and maintaining biodiversity. Large old-growth trees sequester and store carbon, acting as carbon sinks. But carbon is released when old-growth trees are cut down and left to rot or burned in slash piles. Old-growth forests are more resilient to wildfires and absorb water […]

Conservationists demand immediate logging moratoria in light of new research detailing dire state of BC’s old-growth forests

Take action for ancient forests! Send an instant message to the BC government today. Victoria, BC – Conservationists with the Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) are renewing their calls for the BC government to immediately halt logging in endangered old-growth forest ecosystems and intact ‘hotspots’ in the wake of an alarming new report depicting the critical […]

Announcing Celina Starnes as AFA’s New Board Chair

The AFA is pleased to announce Celina Starnes has been appointed as the new Chair of the AFA Board of Directors. After joining the board in 2019, Celina assumed the role of Chair in April, taking over from AFA co-founder and former executive director, Ken Wu, who will remain as a board member at large as he dedicates more time to his new organization, the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance.