CHEK News: BC signs ‘historic’ $1B agreement to protect lands and waters

In a historic agreement between the federal and provincial governments, over $1 billion has been allocated to protect 30% of BC’s lands and waters by 2030.

Ancient Forest Alliance photographer & campaigner, TJ Watt, beside an enormous old-growth Sitka spruce growing unprotected west of Lake Cowichan in Ditidaht territory.

Billion-dollar BC Nature Agreement will Supercharge Protected Areas Expansion across the Province

Together, the federal and BC governments have provided $1.1 billion to go toward achieving BC’s 30% by 2030 nature protection, conservation, and restoration goals via First Nations conservation agreements.

A man in a green shirt and chinos stands amidst a stunning old-growth grove, looking up at an ancient western redcedar. Moss, ferns, nurse logs, and other trees surround him in a sea of green.

Thank you to our amazing business supporters!

We would like to extend a massive thank you to these businesses for generously supporting AFA and the old-growth campaign.

Old-growth logging in 2017 - Edinburgh Mt

ACTION ALERT: Tell your MLA to stand up for old-growth protection and sustainable forestry jobs!

Here are the main talking points and FAQs to make contacting your MLA easy and let them know your stance on protecting old-growth forests in BC.