Sooke News Mirror: Port Renfrew’s Avatar Grove closure drags on with no end in sight

With Avatar Grove closed since 2022 and unmaintained since 2018, there are many questions as to when the beloved old-growth forest will reopen.

An immense redcedar measuring roughly 9 ft (3 m) wide recently felled in a BC Timber Sales cutblock in the Nahmint Valley.

Global News: BC advocates raising alarm due to recent clear-cut on Vancouver Island

See this Global News video coverage featuring Ancient Forest Alliance's recent documentation of old-growth logging in the Nahmint Valley.

A giant old-growth redcedar tree cut down in the Namhint Valley

Victoria Buzz: ‘Old-growth carnage’: Activists concerned over clear-cut forest near Port Alberni (PHOTOS)

BC old-growth activists have taken before and after photos of a large area of an ancient grove that was clear-cut on Vancouver Island near Port Alberni in the Nahmint Valley.

An old-growth Sitka spruce sits atop a bed of ferns while the morning sun peers through the forest canopy.

To our recent business supporters: Thank you!

We would like to extend a huge thank you to the following businesses for kindly supporting the old-growth campaign.

A giant old-growth redcedar tree cut down in the Namhint Valley

Massive Old-Growth Trees Cut in the Nahmint Valley via BC Timber Sales

Shocking photos and drone footage reveal carnage as old-growth trees upwards of 9 feet wide and over 500 years old are logged under the management of BC Timber Sales in the famed Nahmint Valley on Vancouver Island, BC.