Entries by TJ Watt

Protect Echo Lake Ancient Forest

Echo Lake is a spectacular, extremely rare lowland ancient rainforest a hundred kilometres east of Vancouver – in a region where virtually all of the valley bottom old-growth forests are gone. It may be the world’s largest night-roosting site for bald eagles, as thousands come each fall to eat spawning salmon in the Harrison and Chehalis Rivers in the Sts'ailes First Nations’ territory. Echo Lake’s lowland ancient forests – as rare as Sasquatch these days – are lacking legislated protection.

Spend your conservation dollars for Echo Lake and eagles in the local communities

Spend your conservation dollars for echo lake and eagles in the local communites.

The Ancient Forest Alliance is currently campaigning to protect the Echo Lake Ancient Forest between Mission and Agassiz in Sts’ailes First Nation territory. When visiting this region, including the Fraser Valley Eagle Festival on Nov. 17-18th, please show your support for the local communities by spending your dollars in those towns. Lets make it clear that conservation is good for business!

VIDEO: The Eagles have landed

Conservationists are pressing government to preserve some old growth forest near Harrison Hot Springs that is habitat to many eagles. View the news clip on Global News: The eagles have landed – News Hour – Videos | Global BC

Slideshow Presentation: The Ecology and Politics of BC’s Endangered Old-Growth Forests

When:    Friday  Nov 2
Time:     3:30 – 4:30 pm
Where:   Forest Sciences Center 1221, University of BC, Vancouver
Join Ken Wu of the Ancient Forest Alliance (www.AncientForestAlliance.org) and Cori Creba of the UBC Ancient Forest Committee for a spectacular slideshow on the ecology, wildlife, biggest trees, and politics surrounding BC's old-growth forests including at Echo Lake east of Vancouver, and the Upper Walbran Valley, Avatar Grove, Mossy Maple Grove (Fangorn Forest), and Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island. Find out how YOU can help to ensure the protection of our ancient forests and a sustainable second-growth forest industry.

VIDEO: Protect Echo Lake Ancient Forest

Echo Lake is a spectacular, unprotected, lowland ancient forest near Agassiz, BC on the east side of the Lower Fraser Valley. It is in the unceded territory of the Sts'ailes First Nations band (formerly the Chehalis Indian Band).

The area is home to perhaps the largest concentration of bald eagles on Earth, where thousands of eagles come each fall to eat spawning salmon in the Harrison and Chehalis Rivers and hundreds roost in the old-growth trees at night around Echo Lake.

Manage forests for the future

As it looks for ways to shore up the province's timber industry, the B.C. government is in danger of not seeing the forest for the trees.

Is it possible to have a healthy forest and still harvest timber? Of course – not only is it possible, it's essential. Using up the timber supply faster than it can be replenished means the end of the forest, the killing of the goose that lays the golden egg. No forests, no lumber industry, no jobs.