Entries by TJ Watt

Media Release: Christy Clark Grove

In honour of Earth Day this Sunday, the Ancient Forest Alliance is naming a recently found grove of unprotected, near record-size old-growth trees on Vancouver Island the “Christy Clark Grove”; after BC’s premier. The group hopes the new name will motivate Premier Clark to protect the grove and develop a plan to protect endangered old-growth forests across BC instead of supporting their continued destruction.

Power Grab Eyed by Clark Gov’t to Set Logging Levels

A leaked provincial cabinet document indicates that the provincial government is contemplating "suspending" the powers of one of its most powerful public servants in order to expedite a controversial logging program that has raised alarm bells in the professional forestry community.

A Shocking Glimpse of BC’s New Forest Plan

For more than a quarter century, logging companies at the government's blessing have been on a tear through British Columbia's expansive interior forests.

Well the day of reckoning is now very close at hand and the government's response leaves a heck of a lot to be desired.


BC plan would open Interior’s protected woods for logging

Old-growth forests, wildlife corridors and other long-protected timber zones in the British Columbia Interior could be opened up to logging in order to keep mills operating, according to a cabinet document detailing a proposal under consideration by the provincial government.

Hike raises awareness of bluffs

Friends of Stillwater Bluffs hosted a group of 50 people and 10 dogs on a hike around Stillwater Bluffs on Sunday April 15. It was part of an awareness-raising campaign that this area needs to be protected before Island Timberlands follows through on its plans to log it.

Creatively United for the Planet Supports the Ancient Forest Alliance

Happening this weekend to celebrate Earth Week!
When:  April 20-22, 2012
Where: 600 Richmond Ave at Richardson (St Matthias)

The festival will raise needed funds for progressive environmental-based charities, including the Ancient Forest Alliance, while heightening awareness and initiating action for positive change in an entertaining and engaging way.