Entries by TJ Watt

B.C taking new approach to preserving old-growth forests

My Campbell River NowSeptember 12, 2020 The province is taking a new, holistic approach as a first step for the benefit of its old-growth forests. This will include the protection of nine areas throughout the province, totalling almost 353,000 hectares. In a break from the divisive practices of the past, the government plans to engage […]

Conservationists welcome old-growth panel report and positive first steps by BC government to address old-growth crisis

Victoria BC – The Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) is celebrating the BC government’s announcement today that it will defer logging in nine areas, including world-famous Clayoquot Sound, and protect some of BC’s biggest trees while it works to develop a new provincial approach to old-growth management. But they say much more work urgently needs to […]

BC Says Preserving Biodiversity Now Guides Logging Policies

The TyeeSeptember 11, 2020 The province matches its much-anticipated report with new protections. But some ancient forests are still at risk. B.C. Forests Minister Doug Donaldson today announced the deferral of old-growth logging within more than 350,000 hectares as well as the protection of up to 1,500 giant trees. The move came in response to […]

B.C. moves to end divisive old growth forest policies, protects nine areas

The Canadian PressSeptember 11, 2020 The British Columbia government says it’s taking a new and more all-encompassing approach to protecting the province’s old-growth forests. Forests Minister Doug Donaldson says the government wants to break from the past _ when forestry decisions led to confrontations _ and fully involve environmental groups, Indigenous leaders, forest companies, labour […]

Protesters showcase massive old yellow cedar as Port Renfrew area forest blockade continues

The Williams Lake TribuneAugust 14th, 2020 9.5-foot-wide yellow cedar measured by Ancient Forest Alliance campaigners in Fairy Creek watershed Government and company officials continue to avoid comment as an environmental blockade near Port Renfrew reached its fifth day Friday. Attempts by Black Press media to speak to representatives of logging company Teal Jones and area […]

Chek News- Fairy Creek

  Chek News5pm Newscast – August 13, 2020 Watch this Chek News segment about the blockade to protect the at-risk headwaters of the Fairy Creek valley near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory. Fairy Creek is the last, unlogged valley outside of a park on southern Vancouver Island, and it’s currently under threat from road construction […]

New Photo Gallery: Fairy Creek headwaters

See our latest photo gallery featuring Fairy Creek, the last unlogged old-growth valley on southern Vancouver Island (outside of parks) near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory that’s at-risk of future logging by Teal Jones: https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos/fairy-creek-headwaters/