It’s AFA’s 14th birthday!
We’re celebrating our 14th birthday on February 24th and all we’ve accomplished this year together. Will you celebrate with us by giving $14 to help protect the ancient forests of BC?
Our birthday is upon us again and we have much reason to celebrate given the historic successes we’ve seen over the past year! And whether you just joined us now, or you’ve been with us since our founding in 2010, thank you — our work wouldn’t be possible without you. Together, we’re changing the course of conservation in BC in major ways.
In honour of our 14th birthday and recent milestones, and to support the critical work that still needs to be done, please consider giving $14 or more today to help us reach our fundraising goal of $14,000 by March 10, 2024. While $14 may seem like a small amount, it can add up quickly and will truly make a difference in what we can achieve this year!
What has your financial support resulted in?
See the milestones you’ve helped us achieve in just over ONE YEAR, including:
- Over one billion dollars announced for nature conservation in BC through the BC Nature Agreement.
- The launch of a $300-million conservation financing fund by the province.
- The launch of a $100-million BC Old-Growth Fund to save the most at-risk old-growth forests.
- The commitment by Premier David Eby to protect 30% of lands in BC by 2030.
- The release of the draft Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Framework intended to prioritize ecosystem integrity over resource extraction.
It’s been amazing to see this progress — now let’s keep the momentum going!
With your continued support, we’ll be able to:
- Expand our important work with key First Nations communities to support Indigenous-led protected areas initiatives in areas with the best old-growth forests in BC while fostering sustainable economic alternatives to old-growth logging. (See our current public projects, the Kanaka Bar IPCA & MMFN Salmon Parks)
- Ensure that BC uses “ecosystem-based targets” that include “forest productivity distinctions” (i.e. big trees vs. small trees) to guide the expansion of protected areas in the province and the spending of its conservation dollars. This is now the most critical campaign piece needed.
- Push for deferral or “solutions space” funding to help offset lost logging revenues for First Nations who are still deciding whether to implement deferrals in the most at-risk old-growth forests in their territories.
- Continue to explore and document endangered old-growth forests in BC, bringing back professional images, videos, and stories to help educate citizens across BC and around the world, inspiring them to act.
- Continue to broaden our support base to ensure that the province knows that people from all walks of life, including businesses, unions, faith groups, and more, want to see old-growth forests in BC protected!
From the major wins we’ve seen in the past year to the key work that still needs to be done, your passion, dedication, and generosity will play a vital role in our ability to help preserve the incredible old-growth forests we all love so much. We’re grateful for anything you can give. Thank you for standing with us.
For the forests,
—The Ancient Forest Alliance team

The AFA Team from left to right: Nadia Sheptycki, Joan Varley, TJ Watt, Kristen Bounds, Coral Forbes, Ian Thomas