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AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
Copyright © 2025 Ancient Forest Alliance • All Rights Reserved
Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
The Guardian: Images of felled ancient tree a ‘gut-punch’, old-growth experts say
Shocking photos of chopped-down tree in western Canada highlights flaws in plan to protect forest from loggers, activists say.
Ancient Forest Alliance renews call for provincial funds to defer old-growth logging
The Ancient Forest Alliance is renewing its call on the BC government to commit hundreds of millions of dollars to protect old-growth forests.
Clearcutting of Grove of Forest Giants on Northern Vancouver Island – Photos and Videos Document the Destruction
Shocking photos and drone footage reveal the destruction of rare, big-tree old-growth forests on northern Vancouver Island in Quatsino Sound, highlighting the urgent need for dedicated funding to enable both temporary logging deferrals and permanent, Indigenous-led protected areas initiatives.
Motion for Old-Growth Fund & Export Ban Introduced by MP Patrick Weiler
MP Patrick Weiler Introduces Motion to Launch the $82 million Old-Growth Protection Fund and to End Old-Growth Log and Wood Product Exports in Canada.
Earth Week Event 2023
Thanks to all 200 of you who attended our Earth Week event in late April at St. Mary’s Church in Metchosin. Together, we raised almost $2000 through donations and sales, all of which will go toward protecting the remaining endangered ancient forests of BC!
Devil’s Club
Devil’s club is one of the most dreaded banes of the coastal bushwhacker. Towering to over 16 feet (5 metres) high, this plant sports huge, maple-esque leaves and wicked spines coated in irritating oils.
Happy Earth Day from the AFA!
Happy Earth Day from AFA! ? Here's what the Earth Day 2023 theme, "Invest in Our Planet", means to us.
How a new ‘nature economy’ is transforming the fight for BC’s ancient forests
Check out this interactive article by Global News, which highlights a new economic model dubbed the "nature economy", showing how leaving ancient forests standing is more profitable than cutting them down.
Deer Ferns
Deer fern is abundant in the coastal rainforest. Read on to learn more about these special rainforest dwellers.
Earth Week Event with Andy MacKinnon & TJ Watt – Wed. April 19th
Please join us for a free night of insightful presentations and a special photo show on Wednesday, April 19th, 2023 from 7–9pm to celebrate Earth Week.