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AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
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Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
Green coalition challenges certification claims that Canada’s forestry products are sustainable
The fact clear-cutting at-risk ancient forests continues apace in British Columbia indicates Canadian forestry certification standards assuring consumers lumber products are sustainable are a mockery and need to be investigated, says a coalition of environmentalists.
Thank you from the AFA!
Thank you to the following groups for supporting the AFA! We appreciate your time, creativity, and generosity.
“Sustainable” forestry claims are false and misleading: citizen complaint
As forestry companies continue to log endangered old-growth forests in British Columbia, six Canadians today requested the federal Competition Bureau to investigate the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) for promoting its forestry certification standard as an assurance of sustainability.
Old-growth in contentious Fairy Creek region could be worth more standing than logged
Canada's National Observer- A new economic study shows ancient trees in the contentious Fairy Creek region on southern Vancouver Island are worth considerably more standing to nearby communities than if they were cut down.
Thank you to our generous business supporters!
Thank you to our recent business supporters for your generosity toward the ancient forest campaign.
BC’s new old-growth advisory panel ‘a glimmer of hope’ for ancient forests
National Observer - Environmentalists struggling to save diminishing ancient forests on Canada’s West Coast are hopeful after BC announced a new old-growth advisory panel staffed by respected foresters and scientists.
New economic report highlights need for funding to support Indigenous-led old-growth protection and sustainable economic development.
The Ancient Forest Alliance has released a report that considers the economic implications of protecting old-growth forests when taking ecosystem services like carbon storage, recreation, tourism, salmon habitat, and other values into account. The study, which took 2.5 years to complete, uses old-growth forests near Port Renfrew, in the territories of the Pacheedaht and Ditidaht […]
New study reveals old-growth forests are worth more to BC economy standing than logged
BC’s old-growth forests contribute far more economic benefit to society when kept standing, according to a new independent study released today by the Ancient Forest Alliance.
Photos: Caycuse Logging From Above
Aerial images captured near the start of June 2021 highlight the brutal impact of old-growth logging in the Caycuse watershed in Ditidaht territory.
Photos: Bugaboo Ridge Ancient Forest
See new photos of the at-risk ancient forests along the ridgeline of Bugaboo Creek near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory