This is a big deal: The Vancouver Sun editorial board is calling on the BC Liberal government to show some actual leadership and chart a new course of policies regarding the fate of our old-growth forests as conflicts escalate in places like the Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island! While we don't agree with all of the sentiments they've expressed, the main fact that BC's largest newspaper recognizes that the status quo of old-growth liquidation is ramping up conflict and uncertainty in the forest industry and requires government leadership in the lead-up to a provincial election next May puts big pressure on the BC Liberal government to change course.
They write:
"There is a legitimate discussion to be had about the value of old-growth forests, about whether what remains on the South Coast and Vancouver Island is sufficiently protected, about the extent to which the remaining inventory should be protected, and about resource jobs and the rights of companies to do legal business. Surely, however, there is also a clear role for the provincial government, which has duties of both environmental stewardship and resource management, to serve as an intermediary in such conflicts by providing clear, science-based, arm’s-length evidence as the foundation for an even-handed conversation and to help the two groups whose interests it represents to find common ground. More leadership and less lethargy from Victoria, please."
ACTION ALERT: Please Write your Mayor & Council to Support a Natural Lands Acquisition Fund ("Resolution B128"), going up for vote this week at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) AGM Sept.26 to 30!
The Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) will be voting at their AGM this week on a motion asking the BC government to implement an annual provincial fund to purchase and protect endangered natural spaces on private lands using the accumulated unredeemed beverage container deposits, estimated to be worth $10 to $15 million/ year in BC (see Resolution B128, sponsored by Highlands: Earlier this year the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC), representing 53 local governments, passed the resolution, and now it's time to snowball the support from municipalities across BC to pressure the provincial government! Please WRITE an EMAIL to your mayor and council to express your support for this motion - see HERE for details!
Old-Growth Clearcutting Fragments “Big Lonely Doug’s Mountain” as Calls for Protection Expand during National Forest Week and before UBCM Annual General Meeting
New clearcuts and roads are fragmenting Edinburgh Mountain, one of the largest contiguous blocks of old-growth forest left on southern Vancouver Island, home to the spectacular Eden Grove ancient forest (aka “Christy Clark Grove”) and Big Lonely Doug, Canada’s 2nd largest Douglas-fir tree. In addition, the mountainside above Eden Grove and Big Lonely Doug are threatened with two new planned clearcuts. Conservationists are renewing their call for the provincial government to protect Vancouver Island's old-growth forests during National Forest Week (Sept.18 to 24) and before the Union of BC Municipalities AGM (Sept.26 to 30) next week.
VICTORIA: Hadwin’s Judgement – Film Screening Fundraiser for the Ancient Forest Alliance! Sept. 29
WHEN: Thursday September 29th, showings at 7pm and 9:15pm WHERE: UVic Cinecenta Theatre (UVic Student Union Building, 3800 Finnerty Rd. – see MAP) TICKETS: $15 (or $9 for students) - purchase tickets in advance here or at the door (box office opens 40 min before each showtime)
Editorial: Victoria must intervene in renewed ‘war in the woods’
This is a big deal: The Vancouver Sun editorial board is calling on the BC Liberal government to show some actual leadership and chart a new course of policies regarding the fate of our old-growth forests as conflicts escalate in places like the Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island! While we don't agree with all of the sentiments they've expressed, the main fact that BC's largest newspaper recognizes that the status quo of old-growth liquidation is ramping up conflict and uncertainty in the forest industry and requires government leadership in the lead-up to a provincial election next May puts big pressure on the BC Liberal government to change course. They write: "There is a legitimate discussion to be had about the value of old-growth forests, about whether what remains on the South Coast and Vancouver Island is sufficiently protected, about the extent to which the remaining inventory should be protected, and about resource jobs and the rights of companies to do legal business. Surely, however, there is also a clear role for the provincial government, which has duties of both environmental stewardship and resource management, to serve as an intermediary in such conflicts by providing clear, science-based, arm’s-length evidence as the foundation for an even-handed conversation and to help the two groups whose interests it represents to find common ground. More leadership and less lethargy from Victoria, please."
Action Alert: Speak up for Ancient Forests to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM)!
Ask the UBCM to support the protection of Vancouver Island’s old-growth forests at their upcoming AGM from Sept.26 to 30!
Feature: Big Lonely Doug
Check it out! The Walrus Magazine has a feature about Big Lonely Doug, Canada's 2nd largest Douglas-fir tree, the forestry worker Dennis Cronin who decided to leave him standing, and the battle for old-growth forests on Vancouver Island! Photos by the Ancient Forest Alliance's TJ Watt!
Port Renfrew: Walking among ancient giants
Check it out! New Zealand's largest newspaper has an article about the Ancient Forest Alliance, the importance of old-growth forests for the tourism economy of Port Renfrew, and the campaigns to protect old-growth forests including the Central Walbran Valley.
‘Twist and Shout’ Forest Under Threat
Check out the website of the Sunshine Coast (Roberts Creek area) based conservation group the Elphinstone Logging Focus who are working to achieve a 2000 hectare expansion to the protected area on Mount Elphinstone. BC Timber Sales has given the go ahead to log the 'Twist and Shout' forest within the proposal, which includes numerous veteran old-growth Douglas-firs and redcedars, and local activists have been non-violently protesting there for weeks. See a comprehensive list of updates and coverage and events and how to take action on the "Twist and Shout" section of their website at: And check out some great photos of the forest there by Shel Neufeld:
VIDEO: Eden Grove
Check out this great new Shaw TV video about the stunning "Eden Grove" (ie. Lower Edinburgh Grove), one of the finest but endangered lowland valley bottom old-growth forests left on Vancouver Island! Filled with ancient cedars and Douglas-firs, and with bears, cougars, wolves, deer, elk, northern goshawks, and marbled murrelets. Located near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory at risk by Teal-Jones. Thanks to videographer Lorraine Scollan for putting this together!
VIDEO: Cave Protection
Check out the new ShawTV piece by videographer Lorraine Scollan on Vancouver Island's magnificent system of caves and MLA Scott Fraser's private members bill to afford them greater protection! The Ancient Forest Alliance's Ken Wu and TJ Watt were lucky to poke their heads into the entrance of a beautiful cave near Port Renfrew but could not enter without the proper gear and know how.