
Flagging tape marked "Falling Boundary" in a threatened area of mature forest of Cortes Island.

Cortes Island residents rejoice as Island Timberlands temporarily withdraws logging crew

Cortes Island forest activists and residents celebrated today as Island Timberlands (I.T.) withdrew crews and announced that they would not attempt to move forward with operations for at least a week.Tensions on the island had been rising since the residents gathered to stage a logging blockade broke at the end of last week.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Global TV video: Logging protests on Cortes Island

Follow to the link to watch the news video coverage.

Some youngsters joined the protest against Island Timberlands logging operations on Cortes Island this week.

Human shield stalls Cortes logging for third day

A Cortes Island blockade of Island Timberlands went into its third day Thursday as swelling ranks of environmentalists, residents and their children maintained a human shield against the logging company’s crews and equipment.

Cortes Island resident and activist

Wildstands – A Cortes Community Alliance

As Island Timberlands' incursions on to Cortes Island heats up the battle to protect its old-growth forests heat up, please follow their campaign by going to their website:  

Cortes Island citizens prepare for logging protests

Lanky, clean cut Cec Robinson is pretty sure the RCMP has been following him on Cortes Island. What danger does this quiet oyster farmer and family man pose? He intends to defend his island from industrial logging by Island Timberlands because he thinks it is the right thing to do for his community and for the planet

Saturday: Cortes Youth Champion Bill M211; The Species At Risk Protection Act

Youth from Cortes Island, BC are hosting an educational rally on the legislative grounds in Victoria this coming  Saturday, October 13 from 11 am – 4 pm. Forest lands on Cortes Island threatened by industrial logging prompted the youth to research out what protection, if any, was afforded the numerous species at risk making these forest lands their home.

AFA photographer TJ Watt stands beside two large old-growth Douglas-fir trees in the Children's Forest along James Creek on Cortes Island.

NEW PHOTO GALLERY featuring Cortes Island’s endangered forests!

See new photos by AFA's TJ Watt from the Squirrel Cove Ancient Forest in the headwaters of Basil Creek and from the Children's Forest along James Creek, both areas of which are slated to be logged by Island Timberlands.

Concerned local citizen Oliver H. stands near large old-growth Douglas-fir trees in the endangered forests of Cortes Island.

Save Cortes Island’s Endangered Forests!

Please WRITE A QUICK EMAIL as soon as possible to BC's Minister of Environment, Hon. Terry Lake at: [email protected] . Ask that the BC government help fund the purchase of endangered old-growth stands, sensitive ecosystems, and other high priority lands for conservation currently owned by Island Timberlands. ***BE SURE to include your FULL NAME and ADDRESS so they know you are a real person!

Ancient Forest Alliance

Salt Spring Island a ‘model’ for Cortes Island advocates to prevent logging of pristine B.C. forests.

As deadline looms for Island Timberlands to begin logging on Cortes Island, advocates are hoping for a re-enactment of an earlier success story to protect the area's pristine forests.

Cortes Island resident Fred Savage next to a 400-year old Douglas fir

Ancient Forest Alliance confirms vital old growth in threatened Cortes Island woods

Forest conservation experts say documenting old growth trees in BC island forests could help secure provincial support, in order to buy endangered land from logging company Island Timberlands.