
Jane Morden by an Ancient Douglas-fir in the McLaughlin Ridge

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Port Alberni residents led by local activist Jane Morden are standing up to protect the endangered McLaughlin Ridge, a 500 hectare tract of ancient Douglas-fir forest near the town that biologists have classified as both critical habitat for wintering deer and endangered Queen Charlotte goshawks

Ancient Forest Alliance campaigner Hannah Carpendale stands amongst the giant old-growth Bigleaf maples in the un-protected Mossy Maple Grove.

Monday, Dec. 5th: SEE BC’s MOST UNIQUE OLD-GROWTH FOREST! AFA Photo Journey & Fundraiser

MON., DEC.5: VICTORIA 7:00-8:30 pm Ambrosia Center, 638 Fisgard St. near Douglas St. We are excited to finally share with you the latest, incredible old-growth stand that we’ve come across: the “MOSSY MAPLE RAINFOREST”!

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Protect McLaughlin Ridge YouTube Clip (1min)

The McLaughlin Ridge is a 500 hectare tract of ancient Douglas-fir forest near Port Alberni that biologists have classified as both critical habitat for wintering deer and nesting endangered Queen Charlotte goshawks. Conservationists would like the BC government to protect the old-growth forest on private land on McLaughlin Ridge by purchasing it from Island Timberlands.

Local Port Alberni activist Jane Morden stands beside the McLaughlin Giant - an old-growth Douglas-fir measuring 23.5ft in circumference / 7.5ft in diameter.

Chainsaw buzz stirs up once-protected old growth

Environmentalists want the province to buy a tract of previously protected oldgrowth forest near Port Alberni that is now being logged by Island Timberlands. McLaughlin Ridge was classified as critical habitat for wintering deer and endangered Queen Charlotte goshawks until 2004, when the province allowed it to be removed from a tree farm licence  

The McLaughlin Giant - Old-growth Douglas-fir measuring 23.5ft in circumference or 7.5ft in diameter

Protect McLaughlin Ridge! Please take 5 minutes to write a quick email!

PLEASE take 5 minutes and WRITE a Letter to Minister of Forests Steve Thomson at: and Minister of the Environment Terry Lake at:

Columbia Blacktail Deer

Critics insist logging harms wildlife

In 2004, the B.C. government removed 88,000 hectares of land now owned by Island Timberlands from their Tree Farm Licenses.  Critics say this removed most of the environmental protections formerly acknowledged on those lands.

Columbia Blacktail Deer

Old-Growth Logging of Forest Lands Formerly Intended for Protection on Vancouver Island Threatens Deer Winter Range and Endangered Goshawk Habitat

Conservationists are calling on the BC government to protect a 500 hectare tract of old-growth forest near Port Alberni that biologists have classified as both critical habitat for wintering deer and nesting endangered Queen Charlotte goshawks. Conservationists would like the BC government to purchase the forest on private land on McLaughlin Ridge from Island Timberlands.