Today marks the 10-year anniversary of the AFA!
Today is the 10-year anniversary of the Ancient Forest Alliance and we're celebrating a decade of accomplishments made possible by YOU, our supporters!
Today is the 10-year anniversary of the Ancient Forest Alliance and we're celebrating a decade of accomplishments made possible by YOU, our supporters!
The Ancient Forest Alliance would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the many outstanding businesses, organizations, and artists who supported our ancient forest campaign in 2019.
Thank you to all who attended the AFA’s amazing 2019 Year-End Celebration last night! It was one of our best turnouts to date with more than 150 people joining us at the Victoria Event Centre. We are most grateful to you, our supporters, for your continued generosity and uplifting energy and to everyone who helped […]
Thank you to all who joined us at Patagonia Victoria for the screening of the film Treeline, to Patagonia Victoria for hosting such a wonderful evening, and to Driftwood Brewery for the drinks!
We find inspiration knowing that younger generations are taking action to learn about and protect BC’s ancient forests as our now and future leaders. We’d like to send a shout-out to some of these amazing youth! Thank you very much to Fiona and Melody for organizing a ‘Toonie Party’ for their 10th birthday, which raised […]
At AFA, we’re no strangers to the daily grind and we know it takes great effort to run a successful enterprise. That’s why we’re especially grateful when the business community finds ways to support our ancient forest campaigns! We’ve recently received support from several stand-up businesses that we would like to acknowledge: Seaflora Skincare is […]
Thank you so much to everyone who came out and supported the AFA at our Year-End Celebration & Fundraiser on Nov. 29! We were delighted to welcome nearly 100 people throughout the evening, all who brought great energy, socializing, food and silent auction donations to make the night a great success!
Thank you most graciously to Patagonia Victoria for generously donating $500 to the Ancient Forest Alliance! The donation comes from a recent symposium and sale at the University of Victoria which raised awareness about environmental activism, responsible consumerism, and outdoor adventures, and goes above and beyond the Patagonia Victoria/Banff /Calgary of Elements Inc. annual commitment to the 1% […]
The Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) was thrilled to grow our support base in 2017 to include a diversity of local businesses, artists, and organizations. The support and generosity of these businesses and individuals has been fundamental in our work to protect BC's endangered old-growth forests and ensure a sustainable second-growth forest industry. We would like to send a special thank you to everyone who supported our work this past year!
The Ancient Forest Alliance would like to send a major THANK YOU to everyone who helped make our Year-End Celebration on November 25th a great success! The night was filled with great energy, socializing, music, food, and dancing. More than 150 people filled the Victoria Event Centre to its capacity. Excitingly, we raised over $5000! A large portion of our proceeds resulted from the silent auction items that were generously donated by a variety of businesses and artists. We would also like Social Coast for helping to organize the event, Oliver Swain for his live performance, and C-Frets, DJ Rich Nines and Taquito Jalepeno for their time donated to the turn-tables. Without the support of everyone involved, we could not have pulled off such an enjoyable and successful evening. Thank you again. Please click below to view the full list of our business supporters and sponsors.