Local environmental advocates celebrate Earth Day

Ken Wu with the Ancient Forest Alliance, spoke on behalf of old growth forests.


Forests for the Future: Community Gathering & Letter-Writing Evening at the Rhizome Cafe

Join in on a grassroots community gathering to celebrate the legacy of BC's endangered ancient forests and to voice support for their protection. Featuring forest trivia, letter-writing, and a slideshow of images of BC's ancient temperate rainforests!

Ancient Forest Alliance

Avatar Grove – Making a Stand

Four bright and dedicated students from Pearson College put together an excellent 7 minute documentary on the Avatar Grove and Vancouver Island’s threatened old-growth forests.

Guests attend the Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce fundraiser at the Sooke Harbour House.

Port Renfrew Chamber News

I would like to thank the Sooke Harbour House, The Ancient Forest Alliance and Adriane Carr for making the event all possible. We raised $6,100 in pledges and cash donations, and made new friends who own companies who are able to give a hand in other areas.

Avatar Grove

Avatar Grove must get saved

A recent Forest Practices Board report notes that just one per cent of the Gordon Valley landscape unit consists of protected monumental trees over 400 years old. In addition, only about one-fourth or 4,000 hectares of the Gordon River’s 17,000 hectares is still old-growth, of which only half or 2,000 hectares are protected in Old-Growth Management Areas (OGMA’s).

The two journalism students put together an audio/visual story on the Avatar Grove. Follow this link to watch and listen: https://thethunderbird.ca/2011/03/31/old-trees-find-new-value-in-historic-logging-town/

Old trees find new value in historic logging town

Nestled on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, the town’s livelihood and identity grew out of logging old-growth forests for most of the 20th century. Mechanization of the logging industry in the 1980s led to significant job loss, which forced the town to find new ways to thrive.

Secrets of Clayoquot Event – Tuesday, April 5th, 7:30-9:00pm, Ambrosia Event Centre, Victoria, BC.

Learn about the ecology of the region’s globally significant ancient rainforests, and how industrial activity threatens this UNESCO Biosphere reserve.