Canada’s second largest Douglas-fir discovered

Newly-measured “Big Lonely Doug” is a gargantuan, old-growth Douglas-fir tree now standing alone in a recent logging clearcut on southern Vancouver Island. Conservationists call for comprehensive provincial legislation to protect BC’s biggest trees, monumental groves, and endangered old-growth forests on the International Day of Forests today, according to a press release from Ancient Forest Alliance.

Ancient Forest Alliance

VIDEO: Canada’s 2nd Largest Fir Tree

Here's a news clip by CHEK TV on Big Lonely Doug, the 2nd largest Douglas-fir in Canada, featuring the photos of the AFA's TJ Watt.

Canada’s Most Significant Big Tree Find in Decades!

Newly-measured “Big Lonely Doug” is a gargantuan, old-growth Douglas-fir tree now standing alone in a recent logging clearcut on southern Vancouver Island. Conservationists call for comprehensive provincial legislation to protect BC’s biggest trees, monumental groves, and endangered old-growth forests on the International Day of Forests today.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Visit the AFA’s Booth this Saturday March 8th at Robinson’s Outdoor Store!

Come to Robinson's Outdoor Store (1307 Broad St.) this Saturday March 8th from 10am-4pm and stop by our Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) booth to chat to our friendly staff, sign our petition, make a donation, or buy our beautiful posters, cards, stickers, and other items to help support the cause! Let this business know you are grateful to them for giving the AFA space to set up our booth!

VIDEO: Ancient Forest Movement of BC

This short video, part of the series "Heartwood: A West Coast Forest Documentree" by Daniel Pierce of Ramshackle Pictures, features groups coming together in solidarity in Cathedral Grove in October 2013 to fight Island Timberlands' old-growth logging near Port Alberni.

Ground Zero: Island Timberlands

Government scientists Darryn McConkey and Erica McClaren stated "negotiations ceased because we could not agree on the management regime within these boundaries. Island Timberlands wanted to extract timber resources from within UWRs [Ungulate Winter Ranges] and WHA 1-002 [Wildlife Habitat Area for endangered Queen Charlotte Goshawks] and Ministry of Forests could not scientifically rationalize how the quality of these areas could be maintained." Ministry scientists go on to say that Island Timberlands's proposed management "did not incorporate any input from the Ministry of Environment" and "is not supported by the best available science."